
Wahid Foundation Membuka 3 Posisi Lowongan Untuk Penempatan di Jakarta

Wahid Foundation was established to advance the humanitarian vision of KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) in advancing the development of tolerant, multicultural,society in Indonesia, improving the welfare of the poor, building democracy and fundamental justice, and expanding the values of peace and non-violence in Indonesia and throughout the world.

We are currently looking for professional candidates to fill in several positions:

1. Finance Manager

2. Operations Director

3. Program Performance Manager

If you are interested, please send your cv and cover letter (with format in words/ pdf) to: hr@wahidinstitute.org with the subject Position name – your name.

Wahid Foundation is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to gender equality and child protection. Any offer of employment will require criminal record checks (SKCK).