
Global Green Growth Institute Job Vacancy: Spatial Planning Expert to Support Strategic Environmental Assessment in East Kalimantan

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is an intergovernmental organization founded to support and promote a model of economic growth known as "green growth", which targets key aspects of economic performance such a poverty reduction, job creation, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. GGGI works with countries around the world, building their capacity and working collaboratively on green growth policies that can impact the lives of millions. The organization partners with countries, multilateral institutions, government bodies, and private sector to help build economies that grow strongly and are more efficient and sustainable in the use of natural resources, less carbon intensive, and more resilient to climate change.

GGGI has a diverse portfolio of programs in developing countries around the world. These in-country programs, together with global products and services, focus on delivering results through an integrated approach of evidence-based green growth planning and implementation aligned to countries’ development priorities. The organization also focuses on knowledge development and management activities which build a strong theoretical and empirical basis for green growth, while providing concrete options and guidance for policymakers; as well as building the conditions for public and private green infrastructure investments.

Indonesia is a founding member of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). Since 2013, the Government of Indonesia (GoI), under the leadership of the Ministry for National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) has been working with GGGI to develop strategies and approaches for green growth. This has been possible through financial support from the Government of Norway in Phase I (2013-2015) and in Phase II (2016-2019), which remains ongoing.

The Government and GGGI have agreed on a Country Planning Framework (CPF) for 2016-2020 to direct support where it is most needed. The CPF is aligned with Indonesia’s strategic action plans for climate change and the Green Planning and Budgeting Strategy for Indonesia’s Sustainable Development, and is designed to provide strategic support to the GoI in achieving its green growth ambitions. The CPF will guide GGGI’s activities in Indonesia, to maximize the value and impact to the core economic objectives of the country. Through the Program, GGGI collaborates with Ministry of National Development Planning, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, National Institute of Public Administration, provincial government of Central and East Kalimantan.

Law number 32/2009 on Environmental Protection and Management, article 15-16 mandate that the local government to carry out SEAs when developing the RPJMD, RTRW or other PPPs (policy, plan, program) with potential environmental impacts. Following the law, the Government Regulation of Republic Indonesia No 46 year 2016 (PP 46/2016) and Ministry of Environment and Forestry Decree No. 69 year 2017 (Permen LHK No.69/2017) were issued to detail the procedures for implementation of SEA, including the requirement for a quality control/quality assurance - QA/QC (penjaminan kualitas) and validity review. While the QA/QC should be made by the owner of the PPP, the validity review as the final quality control, will be carried out by the provincial Environment Office (DLH) or the ministry (KLHK), depending on the administrative level of PPPs. Both regulations mandate provincial DLH and KLHK to validate SEA reports produced by districts and provincial governments in substantial and procedural matters, respectively.

In spite of the currently practiced QA/QC and validity procedures at both provincial and national, there have been some concerns over the quality of the SEA reports produced in the recent years, especially important with the given dynamic state of procedures and substantial requirements applied for SEA and development/spatial plans, following the recently legalized regulations (Law 23/2014, PP46/2016, PP 13/2017 on National Spatial Plans, Permendagri No 86/2017 on RPJMDs, and the newly-enacted the Permendagri No 7 2018). Therefore, the Global Green Growth Institute Indonesia Office has agreed to conduct SEA implementation for East Kalimantan Regional Development Plans (RPJMD).

Objectives/Purpose of the Assignment
BAPPEDA Kaltim has requested GGGI’s assistance in developing a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Provincial mid-term (5-year) development plan (RPJMD) 2018-2023. The SEA process is expected to be finalized by  by end of 2018. The SEA is a mandatory process and is designed to ensure that    the principles of sustainable development underline policies, plans and programs that affect the environment. Considering the strategic importance  of the RPJMD, it is critically important to ensure that social and environmental impacts are carefully identified and valued in order to facilitate informed decision-making in development planning.

The Consultant is expected to provide on-field and online technical assistance in the form of on-the-job training (peer consultation, writing and others of similar weight), to the member of SEA development team of East Kalimantan (EK) provincial government under supervise of RPJMD SEA expert during the process of RPJMD SEA development, in order to produce best practice illustration in the development of the RPJMD SEA, mainly in the area of sustainable spatial planning analysis.

The consultant will provide technical consultation to targeted district government in the East Kalimantan province, in events initiated by EK provincial government, as part if GGGI’s efforts  to transfer practical knowledge of SEA best practices and principles of sustainable development.

Scope of Work
The consultant will provide spatial planning impact analysis to support the EK province government to conduct a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) that underpins the mid-term provincial development plan. In consultation with EK government, the consultant shall provide support to the RPJMD Taskforce led by Dinas Lingkungan Hidup of East Kalimantan Province with focus on handling analysis of existing district and provincial spatial and development plans. He/she will furthermore support the identification of the key drivers of change and their (potential) implications on district spatial planning. This includes analysis of the direct drivers of change like local land use changes, resource use and consumption, and natural disasters. The expert will lead discussions with local government stakeholders regarding the integration of SEA results into spatial plans.  The expert will review spatial and development plans and policies both at provincial level.

  • 8-15 years or relevant experience in one or more professional discipline namely in mainstreaming environmental and social impact assessment in development planning
  • a MSc degree in economics, environmental economics, environmental sciences, or development studies, or equivalent combination of relevant education and experience
  • Experience with SEA studies, notably SEA supported by donor programs (DANIDA, USAID)
  • Expertise in spatial planning
  • Experience working with local governments on RTRW and RPJMD
  • Ability to work in multidisciplinary teams and to work independently.
Details about the position and to apply, please click this following link: CLICK HERE

Deadline: 9 July 2018.