
SOS Children’s Villages Indonesia Membuka 5 Posisi Lowongan Untuk Penempatan Di Pulau Jawa

SOS Children’s Villages Indonesia is a part of SOS-Kinderdorf International which is a non-governmental, non-political, non-denominational and non-profit social development organization, working exclusively in the public interest.

Its objectives are:
  • To provide specialist care and support for orphaned and abandoned children through the SOS Children’s Villages.
  • To support children, young persons and families in need through the establishment of social centers, schools and vocational training centers.
  • To advocate and promote the rights of children throughout the world.
  • To work with international organizations, and promote world-wide understanding and exchange of knowledge on child care issues.
  • To serve as a model of long-term family based care.

SOS Children's Villages Indonesia Membutuhkan Tenaga kandidat Untuk Mengisi Posisi Jabatan Sebagai Berikut:
  • Family Development Advisor  Penempatan di Bandung
  • National Office Finance Staff Penempatan di bandung
  • Advocacy & Networking Specialist Penempatan di Bandung dan Jakarta
  • Venue & Hospitality Coordinator Penempatan di Lembang
  • Fundraiser Penempatan di Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta dan Surabaya
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