
Lutheran World Relief Job Consultant For Setting Up Cafe In West Detusoko & Central Wologai

Urgently required
Lutheran World Relief (here and after refer as LWR) is implementing the project in Detusoko, Ende, Flores to increase youth participation in agriculture by proving that agriculture is promising income source through creating entrepreneurship opportunities and improve on-farm practice. Youth will be engaged not only in farming and cultivating coffee or other crops, but also in building entrepreneurship utilizing value added from their farming product.
One of the support is to provide youth capacity in establishing café as one of market access for their coffee production. To equip youth to start their café business, they have been trained in cupping and roasting then later on in barista training. As the café is group business, the youth group got training and assistance in group governance, business planning and financial management.
In July, the group will start their café and need support from the café start up expert to help them set up their café. In order to do that, LWR is seeking a highly experience consultant to support the group in planning their café launching.
Location Description
Wologai Tengah is also known as traditional village for tourist destination. In a year, at least 3,000 both domestic and oversease tourist. The head of village already dedicated one community building for a café in village entrance. There are 11 youth group member who got training in cupping, roasting, barista as well as Good Agriculture Practice. The group however is newly established early this year.
Detusoko Barat is strategically located in between Ende and Kelimutu. People who visit Kelimutu use to stop by in Detusoko Barat just to enjoy paddy field along the way. Detusoko Barat had a better-established youth group with 7 core member and management. The group had been assisted by several private sector and NGO which make them stronger and more confidence.
The objective of this assignment is:
  • To create the list of equipment needed to run a café. The list will be used for LWR to procure and/or requested the village to contribute.
  • To identify the group on their current capacity (based on received training and personal character) in comparison with the ideal capacity they need to have to run a successful café
  • To develop working flow when the café is running
  • To develop the financial record and internal control on café cash flow
  • To set up the café lay out based on equipment purchased and work flow
  • To improve youth group member capacity in serving their customer though customer service satisfaction training and hygiene standard for café

Assignment period
The working period will be start right after June 1 or sooner when the candidate is available. It is foreseen that some work may be conducted remotely such as objective #1 and #2.
Consultant criteria:
The consultant criteria at the minimum are:
  • At least have three years’ experience in starting up or managing the café
  • Experience in assisting or facilitating café is a plus
  • Skilful in arranging a list of café equipment needed based on available budget
  • A good communicator
Interested candidate should submit their CV, brief proposal on how they are going to assist the group, number of working days (divided into work remotely and in field) and expected fee to lwrindonesia1@gmail.com at the latest 30 May 2018.