
Handicap International Job Vacancy: Project Officer - Kupang, NTT Province

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster.. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

During the past seven years, Indonesia has expressed its commitment to enhance the rights and opportunities of persons with disabilities by ratifying the UNCRPD, and a vibrant national disability movement has emerged, demonstrating its capacities by providing recommendations to the government concerning legal reform, raising awareness amongst the general public in some areas and setting-up networks across the country.

Still, there are important gaps between national commitments and local implementation in fulfilling these rights. Disability is not yet recognized as a significant and cross-cutting human rights issue in planning & budgeting processes, particularly at sub-national level and there is a lack of awareness from local decision makers and social service providers to develop inclusive initiatives and how to foster the participation of people with disabilities. Appropriate regulations at provincial and district-levels remain limited and enforcement mechanisms reflect the existing gaps between national and local levels in protecting the rights of persons with disabilities.

HI has been present in NTT since 2010 and has since contributed to the disability movement through various projects designed to enhance participation of people with disabilities in various topics of the development process including inclusive disaster risk management, inclusive education, and inclusive planning and budgeting process.

In the running project titled “Building Local Capacities and Alliances for Participatory, Inclusive and Open Public Finance Management Processes in Indonesia” funded by European Union which is the third year of implementation, HI will look at the dissemination, strengthening and monitoring of these initiatives in all target villages and in both Gunungkidul district and Kupang district. It will focus its scope of action on DPO/NGO collaboration and platforms, setting-up local UNCRPD monitoring mechanisms and the development of inclusive local development plans involving local DPOs, authorities and social services providers. It will also initiate immediate pilot actions supporting local service providers to better include people with disabilities, making sure that people with disabilities and their organizations are systematically involved in decision-making processes.

In order to implement the project goal, HI is currently looking for a project officer for its office in Kupang. S/he will ensure the timely and effective management and implementation of the afoementiond project as well as the efficiency, quality, impact and accountability, according to HI standards & donor’s criteria. The detail is as follows:

Position Title: Project Officer

Location: NTT province

Closing date: May 31, 2018

Basic Salary Range: Rp 6.1 – 6.4 million IDR depending on objective weighting of candidate’s profile and non negotiable

The successful candidate is expected to start by mid June 2018 at the latest.

Under the line management of the Deputy Project Manager, the Project Officer will be responsible for the implementation of the project in Kupang. The tasks in particular are:

Project implementation:

  • Implements and facilitates the activities under HI responsibilities  : assists and ensures local authorities at district/municipality and  village level in implementing inclusive planning, budgeting and monitoring process, assists DPO and CSO to participate in planning and budgeting process, assists “Making it Work” committee in collecting good practice and uses them as an advocacy tools, maintains relationship with journalists to ensure excluded group’s participations in development are communicated to public through their journalists works.
  • Supports Deputy Project Manager to continue building a good relationship with Local Authorities ( village until District/ municipality level), DPO / CSO  and implementing partners.
  • Conducts  beneficiaries satisfaction survey in the end of the project.
  • Works on project monitoring procedures including : data collection on beneficiaries, photo documentation of activities, follows up data related to achievement of result and objectives.
  • Assesses, identifies and updates the situation in his/her targeted areas, including updating the DPOs, service providers, local NGOs, CSOs, resources persons.
  • Monitors implementation of project by implementing partners (Bengkel Appek for NTT and IDEA and CIQAL for DIT) to ensure activities implemented by partners are in line with the frame of the project and HI project qualitative framework.
  • Represents the project in front of local partners and authorities.
  • Manages a regular coordination meeting with implementing partners
  • Involves in project final evaluation (organizes final evaluation activity, coordinates with stakeholder related to evaluation, manages the schedule and provide any information related to project ) 

  • Maintains project database (electronic and hard-copy data)
  • Manages the documentation of project activities  implemented by HI  and implementing partners
  • Develops ToR and budget for capacity building activities
  • Writes project activity report and submits to the deputy project manager
  • Works with site administrator  on logistical and material resources for activity implementation (prepares seminar form and Purchase Service Request)
  • Supports deputy project manager to provide data for monthly report and annual report.
  • Supports data to deputy project manager in preparing quarterly and annual report (documented and analyzed findings)

DUTY STATION: Project Officer will be based in Kupang with frequent travels to the sites.

Qualifications and requirements:


  • Training-facilitation skill
  • Experienced with working in partnership scheme
  • Experienced working and assisting Local authorities at District/Municipality level and village level  in planning and budgeting issues
  • Skills on report writing and data management
  • Experienced working with excluded group in development issues particularly in Musrenbang process
  • Willing to work  in irregular and/or long hours

  • Bachelor Degree in Sociology or any other relevant majors
  • Minimum 1 years of experience working with people with disabilities and the organization of Person with disabilities
  • Minimum 1 years of experience working with partners
  • Minimum 1 years of experience working in INGO
  • Experienced working  in the field of Disability & support to civil society
  • Fluent in English (written and verbal)
  • Familiar with project logical frameworks
Contract will be for maximum 7 months
Humanity & Inclusion is an equal opportunity employer and particularly encourages women as well as persons with disabilities to apply.

Any interested candidates should send their motivation letter together with CV and references less than 200 KB and no later than May 31, 2018 to:

HR Manager of Humanity & Inclusion
Email to: afcpo-vacancy@handicap-international-id.org
(please put in reference in Subject: PO Kupang)

Only short listed candidates will be contacted. Residents of NTT province will be highly appreciated.