
Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta Palangkaraya Mencari Konsultan Value Chain Analysis Study, Kalimantan

Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta (YTS), a Kalimantan-based foundation head-quartered in Palangka Raya, is striving to improve the quality of governance and well-being in Kalteng, and is working closely with communities, local government and the private sector to achieve this objective

Currently we are looking for an experienced individual to design and execute a study on the value chain for fish cultivation and marketing in Kota Palangka Raya, with a special focus on Kecamatan Bukit Batu.

The selected individual must able to survey, document, and analyse the value chain for fish cultivation and marketing in Kota Palangka Raya.

In particular:
  • Map out the value chain flow from producers to markets in order to provide a complete and comprehensive picture of the current reality;
  • Provide an analytical overview of the fish business economy in the Kota, identifying key players, key drivers, constraints and opportunities;
  • In relation to the above analysis, provide a picture of how the fish business fits into the Kota’s strategic economic development plan; and
  • Make recommendations for how YTS should organise a multi-stakeholder participatory planning process that would create a strategic development plan for the sector, promoting inclusive economic development and with a direct impact on poverty alleviation.
If you feel up for the challenge, please send a proposal and budget in English by e-mail before March 8th, 2018 to: tambuhaksinta@gmail.com. Please indicate your earliest availability.

We would like to implement this study immediately.