
ZSL Indonesia Job Vacancy: Land Markets Study, Palembang - South Sumatera

The Zoological Society of London is an international wildlife conservation organization with a focus on sciencebased and pragmatic solutions. ZSL has been active in Indonesia for about 10 years, with a particular focus on the overlap between industrial development and biodiversity conservation. ZSL Indonesia is based in Bogor, West Java, with existing field projects in Jambi and South Sumatera. We are now looking for:

Land Markets Study

Terms and Condition
Start Date : February, 2018
Duration of Contract : 3 Months
Work Area : Palembang.
Reporting to : Deputy Director (Interim)

Scope of Work

Carry out a study in the Kelola Sendang Project landscape of local land markets within communities and between communities and third parties.

Under internal and external pressure from the growing local and global markets for agricultural commodities, communities and individuals are increasingly conceiving adat lands as individually traded resources to which they assert exclusive rights. This land market started with rubber and other local cash crops, which led to an internal land market, and now is being entered into on unfair terms by outsiders who pay nugatory rates for land transfers on less favourable terms to communities without adequate transparency. Consequently, women in particular are being excluded from access to land and resources. Data needs collecting to verify, nuance or refute this thesis.

Research Outline:
Document any transitions from customary tenures to semi-formal tenures (SKT etc) and the emergence of local land markets and then document land transactions with corporations/companies or as collateral with banks and other credit agencies such as cukong, banks or micro-credit schemes (if any). Document, as comprehensively as possible given the limitations of time and interview possibilities, the terms of transactions (whether by written contractual or oral agreements), the prices paid for access, transfer or use of lands, and the changes in prices or terms for land transactions over time.

Field visits will be made to a sample of 5 to 10 widely dispersed villages within the project landscape (including if possible: masyarakat adat, komunitas melayu, orang pendatang, transmigran dan nelayan). The consultant will carry out Semi-structured interviews will be carried out with individual farmers, community leaders, men and women, to explore the way land markets are evolving. The interviews should be one to one and should examine both past and current practice. Costs and terms of land transactions should be identified as clearly as interviewees’ memory allows. Anonymity should be guaranteed if interviewees are uneasy about revealing the exact sums of money or areas of land transferred. The dates and details of the terms of land transfers are as important as the sums paid. Where possible land transfer contracts should be examined and photographed with the permission of the interviewees. Once the field data are completed and, if possible, interviews will also be carried out with relevant companies and the land agency (BPN) and the forestry agency (KPH managers) to get their views on the legitimacy and implications of these land transactions. A review of available statistics as well as published and grey literature will also be undertaken.

Deliverables/Final Products Expected

  • Report on Literature Review & Semi Structure Interview Questionnaire
  • Draft Report both in English & Bahasa
  • Final report (in English & Bahasa) with detailed testimony, analysis of trends, tabulated data of prices and citations of any useful literature
Recruitment Qualifications
The expected team will be undertaken by 2 researchers

The requirements of qualifications:

  • Extensive and proven experience in the Land Market Study (5 years)
  • Researchers: Minimum 5 years’ experience
  • Team Member: 3 – 5 years’ experience in their area of expertise
  • High level of written and spoken English, and demonstrated skills reporting in English
  • Able to work according to schedule under field conditions
Application procedures
Please submit your application and curriculum vitae in English, relevant experience, past salary history, two referees not later than January 31, 2018 to indonesia@zsl.org cc: Lydia.Chandra@zsl.org, placing the job title in the subject line and label your CV with your name. Only short listed candidates will be notified.

Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.