An opportunity to work with Forum HarimauKita, a model of civil society movement for the conservation of charismatic species
Forum HarimauKita (FHK) – The Sumatran Tiger Conservation Forum, founded in 2008, is the leading collaborative forum in Indonesia working to save the Sumatran Tiger with a vision to conserve Sumatran Tigers that lives in harmony with human society. FHK focused on organizing and facilitating tiger conservation programs by its collaborating partners, providing trainings for its members and relevant partners, providing advisory assistance to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia on tiger related conservation issues, and contributing to major international initiatives for global tiger conservation.
Since 2016, Forum HarimauKita involved in a collaborative project entitle “Transforming Effectiveness of Biodiversity Conservation in Priority Sumatran Landscapes” also known as Sumatra Tiger Project (STP) that funded by GEF-UNDP. This project, involving Directorate of Biodiversity Conservation – Ministry of Environment & Forestry (MoEF) as National Project Director and FHK together with FFI-IP, WCS-IP and ZSL-IP as Project Implementer. Upon first micro-grant scheme, FHK has completed all agreed project which is ended last July 2017. Now FHK is planning to take the second micro-grant scheme with outputs that related to increase effectiveness of key protected area management institutions and contribute on development of inter-sectoral coordination for priority landscapes.
Upon this second micro-grant, FHK will conduct certain activities related to:
Forum HarimauKita (FHK) – The Sumatran Tiger Conservation Forum, founded in 2008, is the leading collaborative forum in Indonesia working to save the Sumatran Tiger with a vision to conserve Sumatran Tigers that lives in harmony with human society. FHK focused on organizing and facilitating tiger conservation programs by its collaborating partners, providing trainings for its members and relevant partners, providing advisory assistance to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia on tiger related conservation issues, and contributing to major international initiatives for global tiger conservation.
Since 2016, Forum HarimauKita involved in a collaborative project entitle “Transforming Effectiveness of Biodiversity Conservation in Priority Sumatran Landscapes” also known as Sumatra Tiger Project (STP) that funded by GEF-UNDP. This project, involving Directorate of Biodiversity Conservation – Ministry of Environment & Forestry (MoEF) as National Project Director and FHK together with FFI-IP, WCS-IP and ZSL-IP as Project Implementer. Upon first micro-grant scheme, FHK has completed all agreed project which is ended last July 2017. Now FHK is planning to take the second micro-grant scheme with outputs that related to increase effectiveness of key protected area management institutions and contribute on development of inter-sectoral coordination for priority landscapes.
Upon this second micro-grant, FHK will conduct certain activities related to:
- SMART-RBM Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation.
- Strengthening MoEF’s staff and related partner capacity on monitoring Sumatran tiger population.
- Increase student knowledge and capacity on scientific research related to sumatran tiger and distribute a small research grant to selected student.
- Develop a national communication strategy and outreach programs.
- Develop a Sumatran Tiger Atlas.
- Conduct a feasibility study on Sumatran Tiger Sanctuary.
- Protected Area Management Expert (PAME)
- Website Developer Specialist (WDS)
- Data Base Officer (DBO)
- Education and Training Expert (ETE)
- Communication Specialist (COMM)
- Technical Writer (TW)
- Tiger Conservation Expert (TCE)
Detail of each position can be seen on ToR document attached with this announcement.
A qualified candidate shall send a cover letter, a short resume, expected remuneration, a brief work plan and two professional references to FHK recruitment email below:
No correspondence and only short-listed candidates (3-5) will be notified. Your email should have a subject heading of [Abbreviation of position]_Applicant name.
For example:
Apply for Website Development Specialist,(WDS), the email subject shall WDS_Agus Hermansyah.