
Gain Health Job Vacancy: Senior Project Manager, Jakarta - Indonesian

GAIN is hiring!
Senior Project Manager, Indonesia Postharvest Loss Alliance for Nutrition

Location: Indonesia
Salary: Competitive

Job Advert
GAIN has developed the Postharvest Loss Alliance for Nutrition (PLAN) to bring together the multitude of public and private sector actors addressing this issue to collectively reduce loss and waste of nutritious foods. PLAN acts as both a global nucleus for coordination, programming, research, knowledge exchange and investment on Postharvest food loss as well as a national hub in emerging markets for business to business (B2B) engagement.

The I-PLAN Senior Project Manager will work closely with the GAIN Global Team and the Indonesia Country Director to set up and implement the I-PLAN program and help strategically build a portfolio of activities. The position is responsible for operational delivery of a core business area or operation and has a significant management responsibility and operational impact. This is expected to be a three year project until 2020.

Job Description
TOR I PLAN Senior Project Manager

Closing Date: 5 Oct 2017

If you are interested in this position please apply only via GAIN Website