
Planet Indonesia Job Vacancy: Conservation Division Program Manager - West Kalimantan


Planet Indonesia is an award winning grassroots oriented, 501(c)3 not-for-profit dedicated to the conservation of earth's ecosystems and communities. We address the issue of socio-economic inequality in rural communities that drives cultural and environmental loss. We provide community-based services in exchange for protecting and restoring the world’s most critical ecosystems. Planet Indonesia is at the forefront of community empowerment, utilizing a holistic model to help low-income communities achieve sustainable development through nature conservation. We embrace a “bottom-up” approach, helping communities own every step of the planning, implementation, and management of initiatives, as we understand this to be essential for long-lasting, sustainable change.

Our conservation compact approach allows communities to enroll in our programs to receive much needed services in exchange for engaging in sustainable resource use. Through these compacts we administer services in three sectors: education, business, and reproductive health. We use communal business groups to facilitate conservation compacts between communities and our organization. These compacts have 5 major principles: (i) fair and equitable development, (ii) culturally rooted, (iii) adaptability and replication, (iv) benefit-driven, and (v) management-based. These CCs provide tangible benefits to communities in exchange for effective conservation of high priority ecosystems and species. Our communal business approach in tandem with these compacts helps communities overcome the opportunity costs of conservation and ensures fair and equitable development in tandem with responsible resource management and stewardship. Our approach ensures adaptable and fair agreements as every conservation compact facilitated through a communal business group is tailored to the specific needs and requests of a community.  We apply this model to primary rainforest conservation, wildlife poaching, and First People’s equity over land tenure.

In addition to working with communities, Planet Indonesia has an undercover investigation team that approaches environmental conservation from the top-down. Our team conducts investigations of high-level wildlife crime and works with government agencies to strengthen regulatory frameworks and prosecute perpetrators. We believe that in order to cause true scalable change we must both empower communities to more sustainably govern their resources and work with agencies to prosecute crime rings and companies violating environmental policy.

This position will be based in West Kalimantan, Indonesia and will:

  • Be in charge of overseeing and managing the conservation division of Planet Indonesia. This position will oversee a team of 12 Indonesian staff and will be in-charge of managing project officers that oversee: agroforestry and reforestation projects, wildlife trafficking investigations, biodiversity surveys, organic agriculture, environmental leadership, community-based forest patrols, conservation technology (e.g. mobile data collection and reporting tools), and fisheries management and marine reserve design. This position will oversee the implementation and monitoring of these programs while working closely with other senior staff to ensure that each division of Planet Indonesia is creating positive impact that can be connected with the mission and strategic goals of the organization. In addition, this position will be required to oversee conservation budgets, staff evaluations, and work closely with other senior staff to apply, monitor, and report to donors that are supporting our work.
We expect this position to perform the following duties:

  • Grant writing and implementation in close coordination with our Executive Director
  • Implementing the organization’s monitoring and evaluation strategy
  • Compiling and managing annual budgets for the conservation division
  • Representing Planet Indonesia at national/regional conservation conferences and workshops
  • Facilitating communication between Planet Indonesia – USA and Yayasan Planet Indonesia
  • Monthly submissions to Planet Indonesia’s blog to update stakeholders on conservation division progress
  • Close coordination with Planet Indonesia – USA’s Executive Director of program development, implementation, and evaluation
  • Staff management and evaluation in addition to participating in work planning process and contributing to the long-term strategic plan of the organization
  • Close coordination with members of our community services division to coordinate and integrate community based services (education, economic, and health care) into conservation programs objectives and implementation
  • Coordinate with Executive Director and Indonesian Director on scientific publications and authorship of biodiversity surveys and wildlife market monitoring programs

  • Preferred a Master’s degree in a relevant field of experience plus 2 years relevant experience in conservation work in a developing country

  • Preferred more than 3 years of relevant work experience in Indonesia
In Addition to the Above:

  • Strong history of successful grant writing
  • Strong communication and presentation skills in both English and Bahasa Indonesia
  • Background in statistical analysis and data management. GIS/Remote Sensing strongly recommended but not required
Job Requirements:

  • Willing to live in West Kalimantan, Indonesia in a semi-rural area
  • Willing to spend long periods of time in rural areas while conducting field work
  • Adaptable and flexible to changing conditions
  • A team player
  • Culturally sensitive and adaptable to new customs and traditions
To Apply:
Please submit (1) cover letter describing why you are interested in the position, (2) CV with 2 references, (3) two writing samples (for example: a grant application, a scientific publication, program report, article/media) to: President of the Board, Elizabeth Kennedy (ekennedy.18@gmail.com) and Executive Director, Adam Miller (adam.miller@planetindonesia.org)

Salary and benefits will be based on the living expenses in West Kalimantan, Indonesia and the applicant's qualifications and relevant job experience