
WWF Indonesia Job Consultant: National Evaluator for Evaluation Bengo Project, Kalimantan

WWF INDONESIA is now seeking the a National Evaluator (Independent Expert/Consulant) to work for about 15 days for one of our project named “Strengthening Sustainable Land Use for Livelihood Improvement of Rural Communities in Labian-Leboyan Corridor in the Heart of Borneo, Indonesia”. This project has been started since November 2014 for 2,5 (two half) years duration.

The project will end in December 2017, therefore it is important for WWF Indonesia as the main implementor in Indonesia with WWF Germany to conduct an evaluation in order to record project results, lessons learned, good practices and challenges before end of the implementation period towards realizing its goal.

Term of Reference (ToR) for the evaluation of the project outlining all aspects in details for the evaluation can be accessed on the following link: CLICK HERE

The National Evaluator, will collaborate and assist the International consultant and shall specifically perform the following tasks:

  • Desk analysis of national and local policies in Bahasa Indonesia on local level planning and investment programming as well as on natural resources management and draw up of synopsis in English
  • Provide input to the evaluation plan
  • Conduct of the field trip in coordination and collaboration with the international consultant: key informant interviews, focus group discussions, preparation and presentation of preliminary findings; co facilitation of discussions and provision of interpretation support
  • Check consistency of evaluation report with Indonesian frame conditions; Translation of executive summary into Bahasa Indonesia

Overarching competencies:
  • More than 5 years proven evaluation skills and experiences
  • More than 5 years experiences in project design and development
  • Proven skills and experiences in capacity building/ institutional development
  • Written and oral fluency in English
More than 5 years technical skills and experiences in:
  • Rural development and natural resources management
  • Community-based management of natural resources and community development
  • Local governance and participatory planning processes
  • Sustainable land management and forest governance in Indonesia.
WWF will provide logistical support and organize the field visit.

Selection process will be conducted by Technical Team of this project in cooperation with WWF Germany using the evaluation grid based on the required profile (page.9 in the TOR) of the applicant (evaluator).

If you find this project is genuinely interest you and believe that you are meeting the requirements, plus considering your availability around mid July to August 2017 (activities plan: see timeline in the ToR, pg.12) we are expecting you to submit an letter of interest and CV, along with your offer/proposal to our WWF Regional Office Kalimantan: rayanansi@wwf.id ; and copy to Anas Nashrullah – WWF Indonesia, West Kalimantan Program:  anashrullah@wwf.id ;  at the latest on  June 23rd , 2017.

Such you have further questions or need more clarification about this evaluation scope of work, feel free to contact us directly to the above email address.

Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you.

WWF Indonesia
Human Resources Department  
Graha Simatupang Tower 2 Unit C lantai 8
Jl TB Simatupang Kav 38
Jakarta Selatan-Indonesia