
UCLG ASPAC Job Vacancy: Content Evaluator - Jakarta, Indonesian


United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific (UCLG ASPAC) is the biggest regional section of the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), with its Secretariat based in Jakarta, Indonesia. UCLG is a worldwide association of local governments, and is the officially recognized voice of local governments by the United Nations. UCLG ASPAC has linkages to more than 7,000 local governments. It represents well over 3.76 billion people - more than half of the world population - and incorporates fast economically developing countries such as China, India, and Indonesia.

UCLG ASPAC is the key knowledge management hub on local government issues in the Asia-Pacific region. It promotes democratic local government, supports cooperation between cities, local governments and their associations, and facilitates programmes, networks and partnerships to develop the capacity of local governments and associations.

UCLG ASPAC also represents local governments politically within the international community, and with the United Nations and its agencies. It also promotes inclusive societies which safeguard equality, social, and economic justice, and sustainable community development. UCLG ASPAC is engaged in all relevant thematic fields for nurturing sustainable development, such as poverty alleviation, climate change, disaster resiliency, culture, strategic planning, decentralization, local finance, gender equality, women leadership and empowerment, as well as good governance.

UCLG ASPAC is collaborating with Cities Alliance and UNDP to conduct the assessment on Enabling Environment Rating in Asia Pacific. The aim of the project is to provide a rating for countries in the Asia Pacific based on the enabling institutional framework for the efficient discharge of assigned responsibilities by local governments in promoting sustainable urban development.

The rating may be used to benchmark countries in the region in order to identify which countries are currently better positioned to efficiently manage urbanization and use demographic change to catalyze faster and equitable national growth. More importantly, the assessment will enable countries to identify areas for institutional reforms, drawing lessons from the better-rated countries, to create a conducive environment for inclusive and sustainable urban development inclusive gender responsive governance.

The project covers 30 countries across the Asia and the Pacific and involves Local Government Associations, Local Government Units, and related stakeholders. The project requires an expert as a Content Evaluator to improve the country report as well as develop an executive summary of regional report. Details of the expert are as follows:

Content Evaluator’s Objectives:
  • To review and improve the country reports prepared and submitted by local government associations as well as partners;
  • To produce an executive summary as a supplemental document to be extracted from the regional report of the EE rating.
US$ 5,000

2 Months (starting from July to August 2017)

  • Edited 30 country reports
  • An Executive Summary of the regional report
Specific Expertise:
  • Understanding the role and function of local governments in Asia and the Pacific region.
  • Having ability to analyse the reports and write excellent English.
Other Requirements:
  • Has a minimum Master’s Degree in a relevant discipline (relevant experience may substitute the relevant degree).
  • Has a minimum 5 (five) years’ experience in conducting research in local development fields, and/or experience working with local governments.
  • Excellent oral and writing skills in English.
  • Has highly developed communication skills, including ability to develop reports, draft/edit texts and to articulate ideas in clear and concise style to a variety of audiences, as well as facilitation skills.
  • Has positive work ethic with a willingness to cooperate.
Supporting Team
The post will be supervised by the Strategic Services Manager.

Date Line
Please Submit your Application and CV  to : Finance@uclg-aspac.orgAccountant@uclg-aspac.org and Atik@uclg-aspac.org before June 19th2017 with Subject : Content Evaluator – Your name