
SNV Netherlands Job Vacancy: Testimonial Video Production of STBM Implementation in Lampung Province

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation, working in 38 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. SNV specializes in supporting the resourcefulness of development actors by developing local capacities, improving performance and services, strengthening governance systems, helping to create access for excluded groups and by making markets work for the poor. Our global team of advisors use their specialist sector and change expertise in Agriculture, Renewable Energy and WASH to facilitate sustainable change in the livelihoods of millions of people living in poverty.

Supporting STBM in Lampung Programme

SNV recognizes the enormous economic and social potential of improving sanitation and hygiene in Indonesia. Benefits include improved health, reduced risk of disease and increased productivity and income for millions of families.

Despite Indonesia’s rapid economic progress, 100 million people still don’t have access to improved sanitation facilities. Acknowledging that access to improved sanitation is a basic human right, the government of Indonesia has developed the STBM (Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat) programme to improve sanitation and hygiene coverage in rural areas in order to achieve 100% coverage by 2019. STBM promotes community-wide achievement of five key pillars in sanitation and hygiene behaviour: to stop open defecation; to wash hands with soap;  to safely handle drinking water and food; and to safely manage solid and liquid domestic waste.

SNV’s strategy is to assist and work with the Government to implement STBM in targeted areas. The overall goal of the project ‘Supporting STBM in Lampung Province’ is to improve the health and quality of life for 220,000 people living in the districts of Lampung Selatan, Tanggamus and Pringsewu, all in the Province of Lampung.

During its 3 years implementation, together with the local stakeholders, the project has achieved 1 ODF Sub district, issuance of local regulations to support STBM implementation, establishment of BUMDes, Sanitation Entrepreneurships, and other best practices and lesson learned to be shared.

The field implementation of the sanitation programme will be ended by 2017 and to be continued by advocacy work to assist the local stakeholders in achieving the local and national target. To document the testimonial from related stakeholders –from governments, private sectors, and communities– and to collect the evidence to be followed up by the Voice for Change Partnership (V4CP) Programme, we are producing the Testimonial Video.

The expected deliverable is 3 high quality videos of programme overview and testimonial interview of STBM implementation in Lampung Selatan, Pringsewu, and Tanggamus. The testimonial may come from all key stakeholders; provincial government, districts government, private sectors, and communities.

The specific deliverables are as follows:
  • Video storyline, script, and English subtitle;
  • Maximum 3 minutes long final video for each district;
  • MP4 soft copy and 5 hard copies in DVD, completed with DVD cover.

  • Give the general overview of STBM implementation in each district, best practices and lesson learned to be documented;
  • Provide feedback on storyline, script, and subtitle as required;
  • Pay the fee and costs related to the research;
  • Assist with arranging coordination meeting with the stakeholders.
  • Provide storyline, interview questions, and English subtitle;
  • Shoot all the programme locations, record the testimonial from selected interviewees;
  • Involve SNV in video production process.
The video production will be starting from 4th July - 17st July 2017. The following schedule applies (adjustable):
  • Pre-production: 2 working days for storyline and script development
  • Production: 7 working days for programme and testimonial recording (1 province and 3 districts)
  • Post-production: 5 working days for editing, voice over, subtitle, etc
SNV will cover movie producer/technical team fee, equipment, transport, DSA and materials needed for the movie production.

The applicants are requested to submit a financial proposal in line with activities and results.

Implementation Arrangement
Consultants will report to the Rural Sanitation Programme Leader and will work closely with the Rural Sanitation Team.

Payment will be made in IDR to the maximum account with agreed terms of payment. 

Consultants, preferably from local professional video maker, should include professionals with previous experience in producing documenter video or public service announcement in Lampung. Experienced in sanitation, hygiene, or public health topic is an added value.

The consultants must be fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and able to provide English subtitle.

Application Process
Please send the application documents as follow:
  • Application letter
  • Portfolio and link to video sample
  • Technical and financial proposal to irachmi@snvworld.org before 22th June 2017 with the subject “Testimonial Video-Lampung”.