
Apik Indonesia Job Consultant to Design and Conduct Gender Responsive Training in Maluku

*Kami mohon maaf informasi lowongan ini hanya tersedia dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Ketangguhan (APIK) is a five-year project by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to improve the ability of Indonesians to manage climate and disaster risks. APIK works to strengthen the capacity of Government of Indonesia to integrate climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction at national, provincial, and local levels. Using a landscape approach, APIK works directly with communities and private sector to proactively manage risks, and improve capacity of stakeholders to access, understand and communicate climate information.
In APIK’s project implementation, gender mainstreaming is APIK’s strategy to ensure women and men get benefit of the project. For the purpose of gender mainstreaming, APIK has conducted gender assessment as way to map out gender situation in general in the context of Climate Change Adaptation/Disaster Risk Reduction (CCA/DRR). Below is the assessment results:
  • In Maluku and Southeast Sulawesi, work in fishing and seaweed cultivation is seen as a man’s livelihood, while women are perceived commonly in selling these marine goods at the market. The local government in Southeast Sulawesi for instance provides insurance for those involved in fish and aquaculture harvesting, but due to gender roles, only men are eligible to receive this important social safety net.
  • East Java’s land and the economy, the primary economic assets in the traditional economy of East Java are livestock and land. As both assets are considered to be owned by men, local women have difficulty accessing lines of credit to back their economic activities given they have no legal collateral to put up at a bank.
Also, in each APIK area, community decision structures generally do not require the inclusion of women’s voices in local affairs. When men set local development priorities, investments that could benefit women – like local access to clean water – are often given a lower priority in favor of male preferences, such as investment in roads or fish processing facilities. Meanwhile, at the government level, gender mainstreaming program is mostly understood as woman-focused program only such as strengthening/increasing woman capacity in economic.

Based on the situation, it is important for government and civil society organization to have knowledge and skill in developing gender responsive CCA/DRR program so that the resilience of women and men toward climate change and disaster risk will increase and strengthen.

Referring to APIK’s gender assessment, below are the woman situations in the three APIK’s region related to climate change and disaster risk:
  • Women tend to find obstacles in accessing public forums as way to interfere public policy. Woman’s double burden—could also be considered as ‘time poverty’ is the main reason. This ‘time poverty’ in later has caused women have less influence in public decision making. Thus, it is commonly known that in Musrenbang (public development planning), the planning result is mostly gender-neutral. Woman specific issue such as female reproductive health (which is mostly influenced by the availability of sustainable clean water) or strengthening woman’s economic empowerment in the sector which is perceived as man’s sector such as in fishery, or common societal issue which is perceived as woman’s responsibility such as children’s health or food security are frequently not included in the plan;
  • Woman productive role as land cultivators and fisher(person) are still undocumented statistically; hence, it is typical that woman then loses access to increase her livelihood in the sectors such as she would lose access to finance sector provided both by government or private sector. Also, woman tends to lose control over resources. Decision making both at domestic and public level is still perceived as man’s domain.
  • At the government level, gender mainstreaming in terms of planning and budgeting regarding CCA/DRR has not yet well known. The module published by Indonesian Ministry of Woman Empowerment and Child Protection in 2015 has also not yet well known by Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan, a government institution whose main responsible is mainstreaming gender within government institution.
In the context of climate change and disaster risk, the obstacles potentially increase woman’s vulnerability, particularly due to their limited mobility and the fact that woman’s livelihood is uncounted statistically. Referring to the situation, it is important for government organizations—particularly those which are mapped out in Vulnerability Assessment (VA) as the sectors with high level of vulnerability, and government institution whose main responsibility is mainstreaming gender, as well civil society organizations to have knowledge and skill in developing CCA/DRR program and budget that is gender responsive.

The objective to hire consultants to design and conduct Gender Responsive CCA/DRR Training for Government and Civil Society Organization is to build capacity of related stakeholders (working in the field that is mapped out in VA as the sector with high level of vulnerability) in developing CCA/DRR program/budget that is gender responsive.

Expected Output
  • Capacity of related stakeholders (working on the sectors mapped out with high level of vulnerability) to develop CCA/DRR program and budget that is gender responsive is built;
  • Gender Budget Statement (GBS) (developed by the sectors mapped out with high level of vulnerability) is available.
The activity will be conducted on first week of August in Ambon, Maluku. Participants expected to involve are from bagian teknis and perencana of government organization in Maluku working on fields mapped out as vulnerable, working on gender mainstreaming, working on disaster risk reduction, and working on climate and weather information, as followed:
  • Dinas Perikanan;
  • Dinas Pertanian;
  • Dinas Pekerjaan Umum;
  • Dinas Pariwisata
  • Sumber Daya Air;
  • Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak;
  • Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah;
  • Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika;
APIK’s non-governmental organization partners and APIK’s team member—particularly field coordinators and governance specialist are also expected to join the training.

The whole activity (from preparation to reporting) will be conducted by two persons, i.e. Lead Consultant (1 person) who will lead all the consultancy process and Co-Consultant (1 person) who will assist lead consultant in all consultancy process. Both consultants will perform the activities as followed:
  • Preparing module for the training by referring to technical guideline published by Indonesian Ministry of Woman Empowerment & Child Protection;
  • Conduct the training, including preparing and recapping pre and posttest;
  • Finalizing GBS for each area (provincial level, kota level, and kabupaten level);
  • Developing final report, including providing recommendation for further required actions.
By considering the above requirements, it is expected that consultants have these following qualifications:
  • Proven skill on gender budgeting in the context of CCA/DRR;
  • Proven skill to develop GBS in the context of CCA/DRR;
  • Proven skill on gender budgeting advocacy.
Relating to M&E Logframe
The activity will support the achievement of HLR 5, 1, and 4 (in form of public funding).

Base of Operations and Reporting
The consultants will be based in APIK Jakarta, and will report to Gender Specialist

Application Send
Interested applicants are invited to send their CV to APIK_Recruitment@dai.com. Please send applications no later than 11 June 2017. Applicants are instructed to write “Gender Consultant – NAME” as the Subject line of their email. We regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.