
Switch Asia Job Vacancy: Female Entrepreneurship in Indonesia and the Philippines Project 2017

The SWITCH Asia - Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) of hand-woven textiles (Songket, Ulos, Lurik, Abaca, Ikat): Female Entrepreneurship in Indonesia and the Philippines project is implemented by a consortium consisting of Hivos as lead organization and its partners: Asosiasi Pendamping Perempuan Usaha Kecil (ASPPUK), CitaTenun Indonesia (CTI) and Non Timber Forest Product – Exchange Programme (NTFP-EP). The project is funded by the European Union (EU).
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to economic prosperity and poverty reduction in Indonesia and the Philippines through promoting sustainable hand-woven eco-textile value chain development. The specific objective of the project is to promote sustainable consumption and production (SCP) of hand-woven eco-textiles in Indonesia and the Philippines through scaling up successful SCP practices throughout the market chain, and the development of an enabling policy environment. The project supports hand-woven textile entrepreneurs to improve their capacity via standard development, research, training and technical assistance.

Advocacy activities seek the creation of an enabling policy environment, while advertising and events improve market awareness and demand of these textiles. The project also facilitates access to finance for producers.

The target groups of the project are 7,000 entrepreneurs in the hand-woven textile value chain (weavers, natural dye and fibre producers) in 220 entrepreneurial producer groups and 40 cooperatives; 250,000 urban consumers; 30 local, provincial and national government agencies in 11 provinces in Indonesia and 9 regions in the Philippines.

The project was started on February 1, 2013 and will be completed on May 31, 2017. Therefore, Hivos will commission a final evaluation of the project to assess the project performance and its impact, generate lesson learned and develop specific recommendations for major stakeholders to promote sustainability and long-term impact to the beneficiaries.

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