
FAO Membuka Lowongan Sebagai Tenaga Pakar Hukum Agraria - Jakarta

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Gender and Land Legal Expert

In March 2016 the set of 230 global indicators proposed by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal (IAEG-SDGs) for follow-up and review of progress at the global level towards achieving the 17 SDGs were completed by the UN Statistical Commission. IAEG-SDGs subsequently designated FAO as the custodian agency of Indicator 5.a.2, a legal indicator that measures the percentage of countries where the legal framework (including customary law) guarantees women’s equal rights to land ownership and/or control.  The inclusion of women’s land rights as a specific target within SDG 5 underscores the international consensus on the importance of women’s ownership and control of land for the implementation of women’s human rights, and for the achievement of other global development goals.

In order to support countries´ engagement in the monitoring process of indicator 5.a.2, a draft methodological guide for reporting under the indicator has been developed by FAO, drawing extensively from desk research and empirical data. This provides step-by-step guidance on the entire reporting process to countries, including data collection, assessment and reporting.  It proposes that progress against the target is determined by the extent to which countries have incorporated into their legal framework the following proxies:

  • Mandatory joint titling, or economic incentives for joint titling;
  • Spouse or partner consent prior to the sale or transfer of property;
  • Gender equality in inheritance;
  • Budgetary commitments to strengthen equal rights for women regarding both the ownership and/or control of land;
  • Women’s participation in land administration and management institutions; and
  • Protection of women’s rights in customary land tenure systems.
Prior to submission of the draft methodology for approval to the IAEG-SDGs, FAO will pilot the SDG Indicator 5.a.2 methodology in five countries. The objective of the pilots are to test the relevance and applicability of the overall methodology and proxies to different countries; fine tune the guidelines; and ascertain any concerns or confusion in terms of the instructions provided in the guidelines.

Under the overall supervision of the FAO Country Representative and the direct technical supervision of Martha Osorio, Gender and Rural Development Officer ESP the consultant will contribute to the piloting initiative for indicator 5.a.2.

More specifically, the consultant will carry out the following activities:

  • Closely read the methodological guide for the SDG Indicator 5.a.2
  • With the FAO Country Office, engage with the SDG coordination body for the purposes of:
    • Presenting the indicator and eliciting interest in the indicator;
    • Presenting the indicator’s methodology;
    • Ascertaining the national institution (s) responsible for the indicator and the appropriate contact person (s) from that institution.
    • Advising them of the process and objectives of the SDG Indicator 5.a.2 pilot and requesting their approval to go ahead; and
    • (In due course) Inviting them to the validation meeting to present the results of the indicator 5.a.2 assessment.
  • Meet with the national institution allocated responsibility for the indicator by the SDG coordination body, to discuss and explain the pilot  (this might require a number of meetings, but will depend on what the national relevant institution considers necessary).
  • Following the Guide, undertake the Indicator 5.a.2 assessment, completing the Forms (the information should be presented in English, which may require consultant to translate from local language).
  • The FAO HQ Gender Team will provide technical support as needed.
  • With the FAO Country Office, and FAO HQ Gender Team, organize a one-day meeting to present and validate the results of the Indicator 5.a.2 assessment, inviting the national institution responsible for the indicator, and other relevant agencies, including the National Statistics Office and, depending on which entity constitutes the national institution responsible for the Indicator, the Land Ministry, the Gender Ministry and others, as well as the SDG Coordination body representatives.
  • Revise the assessment, if necessary, based on the feedback received at the validation meeting.
  • Complete a short report of the SDG Indicator 5.a.2 pilot, following FAO’s format.

Key Performance Indicator

Expected outputs:

The expected deliverables are:

  • Meeting with SDG coordination body successfully organized and conducted.
  • High quality SDG Indicator 5.a.2 assessment of the policy and legal framework conducted and final version of the survey submitted.
  • High quality report on SDG Indicator 5.a.2 pilot completed and submitted for clearance.

Academic Qualifications:

  • Master’s degree or equivalent in law
Technical Competencies and Experience Requirements:

  • A minimum of 10 years of experience in land tenure issues
  • Knowledge of the gender issues associated with property rights in the country
  • Excellent analytical and writing skills
  • Fluency in English
  • Good network with relevant government agencies

Duty station: Jakarta, Indonesia

Duration: 10 Working days WAE (May-July 2017)

Interested candidates should submit a CV and a covering letter clearly stating their relevant skills, experience, vacancy title by e-mail to: E-mail: FAO-ID@fao.org 

Submission DEADLINE:  8 May 2017 (COB)

FAO regrets to inform applicants that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.