
Berbak Green Prosperity Partnership Project Job Vacancies: 4 Positions - Jakarta, Indonesian

Terms of reference

Project: Berbak Green Prosperity Partnership / Kehijau Berbak
Duty station: Menteng, Jakarta
Donor: MCA-Indonesia
Firm (employer): Euroconsult Mott MacDonald

The national Peatland Restoration Agency (Badan Restorasi Gambut or BRG) was formed early 2016 by the President in response to the massive forest and peat fires of 2015 which affected approximately 850,000 ha of peatland. Component 3 of the Berbak Green Prosperity Partnership (BGPP) aims at institutional strengthening of BRG. The first phase of the project will be completed in March 2018.

BGPP Component 3 has four sub-components, namely:

  • Management and Donor Coordination
  • Capacity building/training
  • Knowledge Management
  • Monitoring
Component 3 has job openings for technical positions for each of above sub-components. The selected candidates are expected to be each responsible for one of the sub-components, under overall responsibility and in close coordination with the Component 3 Team Leader; the donor coordination expert will also act as deputy team leader. BRG is based in Menteng, Jakarta, and the expert team will be based in Menteng as well. Several of above components however require travel outside of Jakarta, notably to the 7 provinces in BRG’s mandate.

The Berbak GPP is funded by Millennium Change Account Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia).

Background of the assignment
BGPP Component 3 has job openings for 4 technical positions:

  • Donor Coordination Expert/Deputy Team Leader,
  • Training and Capacity Building Expert,
  • Knowledge Management Expert and
  • Monitoring Expert.

The selected candidates will be expected to start working with BGPP in June 2017 or earlier if possible.  The details of is the positions are listed below:

Donor Coordination Expert

  • Plan and manage donor coordination for BRG lead peatland restoration
  • Plan, organise and conduct regular donor coordination meetings
  • Advance funding opportunities with potential donors and BRG
  • Prepare and regularly up-date donor mapping
  • Develop integrated plan for donor supported sustainable peatland management and restoration under BRG coordination
  • Act as Deputy Team Leader when required
  • Masters’ degree in relevant science e.g. marketing, communications, environmental science, or other relevant discipline
  • Good and proven leadership skills
  • Well versed in (international) donor coordination and mapping
  • Good understanding of peatland restoration and climate funding issues
  • Excellent communicator and relationship builder
  • Demonstrated track record of successful collaboration with team members and stakeholders, including government officials and (international) experts
  • Self-motivated and capable to work independently and as a member of a team to produce high quality deliverables.
  • Capable to communicate in English, both orally and in writing.
  • Good presentation skills preferred

Training and Capacity Building Expert

  • Training Needs Assessment
  • Training Programme Development
  • Training Module Development
  • Selection and training of trainers
  • Coordinate implementation of training programme for:
    • BRG and GOI Line Ministry staff, on rewetting permitting and approval process
    • Public and private sector stakeholders, on cost-benefit analysis and multi-objective decision making
    • Training of TRG (Team Restorasi Gambut) staff in 6 peatland provinces
  • Coordinate permitting and approval process study
  • Coordinate cost-benefit analysis and multi-objective decision making study
  • Progress reporting including training reports in the English language
  • Master degree in relevant discipline
  • Ample experience (at least 5 years) in developing and coordinating extensive training programmes
  • Good understanding of peatland restoration issues
  • Demonstrated track record of successful collaboration with team members and stakeholders, including government officials and (international) experts
  • Self-motivated and capable to work independently and as a member of a team to produce high quality deliverables.
  • Capable to communicate in English, both orally and in writing.
  • Good presentation skills
Knowledge Management Expert

  • (Coordinate) the development of technical standards for peatland restoration and management
  • Advance long-term research related to peatland restoration and management:
    • Support the establishment of formal relations between BRG and 10 research institutes (6 local and 4 international)
    • Prepare Terms of References for 10 research proposals
    • Establish pilot field laboratory in Jambi province
  • Assist BRG in supervision of several tendered projects
  • Disseminate lessons learned/best practices through GKMIS and other platforms
  • Progress and other reporting in English language
  • Master or Ph.D (preferable) in environmental management, or other relevant discipline from reputable university
  • Experience in knowledge management
  • Experience in developing research proposals of international standards
  • Good relationships with several research institutes
  • Knowledge of and experience with dissemination of knowledge through diverse media, including web-based platforms
  • Experienced in mentioned tasks for at least 5 years. 
  • Good English communication skills
  • Good presentation skills
Monitoring Expert

  • Detail monitoring framework and design multi-year monitoring programme for peat restoration and management activities in 7 provinces
  • Coordinate procurement process for the monitoring system
  • Coordinate building and installation of the system, at BRG and in the 7 provinces
  • Initiate the set-up of a pilot monitoring in one province
  • Report in the English language
  • Bachelor or Masters’ Degree in e.g. Geography, Water Resources Management, Forestry, Environmental Science or other relevant discipline
  • Proven experience with developing and implementing complex monitoring systems
  • Good understanding of software and hardware requirements for monitoring systems, as well as monitoring systems management
  • Good English communication skills
Interested candidates are invited to submit their application and CV to: procurement@kehijauberbak.com by the latest 24 May 2017. Applicants should clearly indicate on the subject line of their email the position (for which they apply) and their name.  Only short listed candidate will be contacted.