
CARE International Indonesia Job Consultants: Endline Survey - West Java, D.I Yogyakarta & Ambon

CARE International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and enterprise & economic development.

CARE International Indonesia in Head Quarter Office-Jakarta is currently recruiting the following position for its project:


Indonesia still faces malnutrition issues among children. Several reasons contributes includes availability of affordable healthy food is limited and low awareness among mothers about children’s nutritional needs and impacts on health.

The scheme created a network of female entrepreneurs who manage healthy food kiosks inside/outside school, serving a pre-planned menu of nutritious street food. The female entrepreneurs will be trained and coach on how to prepare the healthy food and at the same time also making profit from the business. They benefit from training programs in nutrition to create a synergistic environment for their operations.

This project empowers women and creates jobs. Mothers gain nutrition knowledge and children have access to healthy and nutritious food outside schools. The project facilitates access to affordable healthy food for children at schools, and access to nutrition and hygiene knowledge for teachers, children and their mothers. It is expected to be able to improve the healthy and quality of life of children.

The project is being implemented in 4 different areas namely Bogor, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Ambon. This phase, WAS project was able to trained 187 Ibu Warung Anak Sehat (IWAS) on basic bookkeeping, nutrition, hygiene and also cooking skills in preparing a healthy snacks. In addition to that, there were 232 teachers trained to be a trainer for Nutrition.

After 10 months of intervention, the project is come to an end. As part of the project, endline survey aims to capture the impact of intervention. To be able to get independent feedback on the project, independent consultant will be hired to conduct the end line survey. 

The end line survey will include collection and analysis of quantitative data corresponding to the original baseline survey. The report will present achievements against project targets and a comparison of the end line data findings against the baseline data findings. It will highlight significant as well as important and interesting findings that might inform future, similar actions.

The end line study will assess objectives indicators:

Knowledge and practice of 350 IWAS on:
  • Quality of existing products improved 
  • Number of new Healthy snacks & drinks sold (home made),
  • Nutrition and healthy snacks
  • Sales development during implementation of WAS project.
  • Women have more control over their income
  • Women have more confidence to manage the business
  • Number of market accesses or developed for new products and existing product
Knowledge & practice of 105 teachers about Nutrition and how they disseminate the information for students and mothers.
  • Measure the impact of trainings conducted to students and mothers.
  • Develop a survey plan that includes strategies to collect and analyse quantitative data against project targets and key indicators from the baseline and monitoring and evaluation framework. 
  • Conduct a survey of size and quality able to provide a meaningful understanding of progress toward targets and changes in the indicators being measured. 
  • Analyse and produce an end line report that presents the end line data compared to base line data and that highlights significant, important or interesting findings that inform future programming.
It is expected that the consultant will provide the following key outputs: 
  • Detailed survey implementation plan – including details of both the technical approach (sampling methods, tools and techniques to collect data against key indicators and targets, reference data, analysis, ethical considerations, limitations, etc.) and their implementation (schedule of activities and costs). 
  • A complete set of data collected during end line survey. 
  • A draft report for internal review by CARE.
  • A final report of a standard ready to be published publicly. 
  • A presentation of the final report to CARE staff and partners.
West Java, D.I Yogyakarta and Ambon

  • A team that consist of min 2 people that has experience in designing and conducting project evaluation including baseline, end line, and other comparable quantitative and qualitative methods;
  • Excellent report writing skills;
  • A demonstrated commitment to the women issues especially on entrepreneurship development;
  • Able to travel to project’s location during the engagement to conduct necessary activities (FGD, visit etc) to support the endline survey.
Interested applicant must submit the following documentation:
  • Comprehensive curriculum vitae of individual/team members involve in the activities. 
  • A detailed implementation plan/technical proposal in accordance with the scope of work, expected outputs and deliverables provided for herein.
  • Financial Proposal/Quotation that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs i.e. consultancy fee, airplane ticket, local transport, accommodation, perdiem, etc.
Please submit before April 17, 2017 to CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit: recruit_936@careind.or.id

"Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted"