
OXFAM International Job Consultant: Evaluator for Gender Justice Programme 2013 - 2016

OXFAM is an International Non Governmental Organisation working across the world with a vision of just a world without poverty: a world in which people can influence decisions that affect their lives, enjoy their rights, and assume their responsibilities as full citizens of a world in which all human beings are valued and treated equally.

Vision for Indonesia 
We envision an Indonesia where women are equal citizens and everyone can enjoy their rights even in times of shocks and disaster.

Currently we are looking for: Evaluator for Gender Justice Programme 2013-2016, Oxfam in Indonesia

As defined in the Oxfam Country Strategy (OCS) for Indonesia developed in 2015, for Oxfam in Indonesia, Gender Justice means that women and girls are participating equally in all economic, social, political and cultural aspects of their lives, having leadership roles, accessing resources and services and participating in decisions that affect their lives (OCS, 2015). Regardless of the works that has been done by gender activists in Indonesia, as well as increasing Government of Indonesia’s commitment,  to increase gender equality; , Indonesia’s Gender Inequality Index (GII) remains low. The 2014 GII released by the UNDP stated that Indonesia holds the 110th position of 188 countries. This indicated that the achievement of gender justice in the country remains an ongoing challenge.

In accordance to Indonesia’s Oxfam Country Strategy (OCS) of 2015 (and similarly the Joint Country Assessment and Strategy (JCAS) before that), Oxfam in Indonesia aims that “By 2020, women and girls are having control over their body and their lives, access over resources and participate in decision making where it affects their lives and that of their families and communities.” In achieving that, Oxfam in Indonesia’s Gender Justice (GJ) Programme (supported by the Australia-NGO Cooperation Programme (ANCP) through Oxfam Australia) are designed as a standalone programme, specifically designed to address gender justice issues in four interlinked focal areas: (1) strengthening women movement, (2) increasing women political participation, (3) reducing Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), and (4) engaging men and male-dominated organization in promoting women leadership and reducing Gender Based Violence. 

The main objective of the evaluation is to review the strategies and approaches used by the GJ programme and assess the success of the programme in achieving the desired results.
The specific objectives of the evaluation is to evaluate the following aspects of the programme: 
  • The relevance to the real needs and problems of the right beneficiaries
  • The efficiency in terms of the cost to achieve project results
  • The effectiveness in achieving project goals and objectives with special attention on how achievement in focal area 4 contributes to focal area 2 and focal area 3
  • The impact of the project in the wider society
  • The sustainability of the project 
  • Partnership issues between Oxfam and partners as well as between partners and partners 
  • An accountability mechanism in distributing the information
  • Learning drawn from the monitoring and evaluation mechanism.
Scope of Work
The evaluation will cover the period of April 2013 - June 2016 and will evaluate programme result against the GJ programme’s four objectives:

  • Women’s movement has a strong voice in promoting women rights and is capable to address the challenges of gender inequality
  • More women and girls will have decision making roles and (social, political and economic) influence at local and national levels
  • More women and girls will be living free from violence and the threat of Gender Based Violence
  • More men and male-dominated organizations make efforts to promote women leadership and reduce Gender Based Violence; 
From April 2013 - June 2016, the programme has been conducted in the national level (Jakarta) and in six provinces in Indonesia: East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Bali, and Papua. However, as Oxfam in Indonesia no longer works in Papua, Papua will not be a part of the evaluation.

The stakeholders consulted in this evaluation will consist of:
  • GJ programme partners
  • Beneficiaries of GJ programme
  • Relevant local government and legal institutions in programme areas 
The evaluation will be conducted by a team of consultant (a lead evaluator and a co-researcher) whom will be reporting to Oxfam.  The evaluators will be responsible for developing the design for the evaluation and data collection tools that will be used in the evaluation. Furthermore, the evaluation will use a mix of quantitative and qualitative data collection method that will be built upon the previous Mid-Term Evaluation of the programme, conducted in 2013. The design should take into account the following principles:
  • A collaborative approach, engaging staff, partners and other key stakeholders as appropriate (e.g. donors and/or OAU) in the design, implementation and review phases.
  • A participatory evaluation with particular emphasis on approaches that capture a cross-section of views from program stakeholders including target groups [1] of each project.
  • Use of random sampling and standardised questionnaires etc. to capture changes. Use of purposeful sampling and qualitative and participatory methods/tools to generate understanding of why changes have occurred, capture lessons learnt e.g. semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, desk studies, PRA techniques such as Venn diagrams, ranking and scoring etc.
  • Triangulation and cross-checking of data through using multiple sources and multiple methods. 
  • Schedule for information collection and specify who will be responsible for making the information available.
  • Outline the approaches for analysis and interpretation of data.
  • Include a process of review of the analysis, findings and recommendations with alliance and network members.
  • Adhere to Oxfam’s guidelines on ethical research. 
Competencies, Experience and Skill requirements 
This evaluation will be led by experienced evaluators with extensive knowledge on the women’s movement and gender justice issues, as well as capable of working in various contexts.

The experiences expected from the team are as follow: 

The Lead must have the capacity in participatory evaluation, especially in women’s movement and gender justice.

Overall, the team should have knowledge, experience and competencies in: 
  • Significant experiences in evaluation
  • Minimum 5 years of development work in gender and/or women’s movement
  • Good understanding of rights based approach
  • Hold good facilitation skills, especially in doing consultation with decision makers
  • Strong analytical skill and quantitative and qualitative data collection
  • Good communication skills
  • Demonstrate writing skills in both English and Indonesian
  • Familiar in operating Microsoft Office programs such as Word, Excel and Power Point
The main output expected will include: 
  • Design, method, and tools for evaluation 
  • First draft of report summary—including the executive summary, background, methodology, findings, conclusion, and recommendation 
  • Primary data will be Oxfam’s property. Oxfam is responsible for the safekeeping and use of the data in the fufure 
  • Draft of full report in English
  • Final report in English, maximum 35 pages
Proposal and Budget
Proposals are invited institutions and personal meet the profile described above. The proposal should outline the consultant’s profile (including their CV/resume), proposed management arrangements, and examples of previous work. Proposals must also include a clear itemized budget. Any proposals that do not include an itemized budget will not be considered.

Resume should be submitted electronically by Sunday, 10 March 2017 at the latest to jakarta@oxfam.org.uk with Evaluator fo Gender Justice Programme 2013-2016, Oxfam in Indonesia as the subject of your email. 

Oxfam promotes equality and diversity

Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering
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