
Care International Job Consultant: Gender Trainer, Jakarta - Indonesian

CARE International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and enterprise & economic development.

CARE International Indonesia in Head Quarter Office-Jakarta is currently recruiting the following position for its project:


Gender in Emergencies: Humanitarian emergencies impact women, men, boys and girls in different ways and can rapidly change their needs and vulnerabilities. Steps to address the harm emergencies cause need to appropriately understand and respond to these differences. Sex and age disaggregated data (SADD) and gender and generational analysis of this data after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami in Indonesia helped to understand the effects of this natural disaster. It found that two-thirds of those who died were female and in some villages all dead were females. Focus group studies that allowed safe spaces for women to voice their concerns found that among displaced families a significantly higher proportion of female headed-households were living among villages and towns and not in displaced camps, in part due to women being widowed and believing the camps were unsafe for them and their family. Data and analysis of this data that accounted for gendered changes from prior to the emergency showed an increase in early marriages and early high-risk pregnancies–girls attracted or pushed into early marriage–as the men did not have the skills to care for themselves or their remaining children. Understanding and gendered differences is essential to strengthening humanitarian responses deliver more targeted evidence-based assistance and providing programming that is more specific and effective; not doing so can and has led to interventions being misguided, failing and has even put vulnerable groups at further risk.

Having key experts available at the onset of a crisis helps with planning for information needs and understanding how this information will be used to inform program decisions. Identifying, accounting and responding for gendered differences helps strengthen humanitarian responses deliver evidence and needs- driven assistance more effectively and efficiently; not doing so can and has led to interventions being misguided, failing and has even put vulnerable groups at further risk.

CII Gender Action Plan consists of some significant issues that need to deliver to ERT members, and to ensure on basic or sufficient in equipping the ERT members to do better response in disaster. Some of the issues need assessment/gender analysis, design/planning including budgeting, management information system and MEAL. The other important things is also to maintain good networking and relationship with all actors on gender such as government, civil society, national/international cluster and other related actors.

  • To improve the knowledge and competency of ERT on Gender in Emergency with focus on depend rapid assessment, activity implementation.
  • Supporting the activation of CARE gender working group.
  • Review and select appropriate CARE tools for gender training and localize materials with local context.
  • Conduct/organize training to CARE ERT members. Topics: basic gender, gender in emergency, gender analysis.
  • Evaluation and Reporting.
End of March 2017.
The period of working will be 5 days in row (max).


CII seeks assistance from consultants with the relevant experience and capacities to carry out the assignment including:
  • Knowledge of gender equality program.
  • Past experience in working with community for gender empowerment.
Interested applicant must submit the following documentation:
  • Comprehensive curriculum vitae of individual/team members involve in the activities.
  • A detailed implementation plan/technical proposal in accordance with the scope of work, expected outputs and deliverables provided for herein.
  • Financial Proposal/Quotation that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs i.e. consultancy fee, ect.
Please submit before March 25, 2017 to CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit: recruit_928@careind.or.id

"Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted"