
RutgersWPF Indonesia Job Vacancy: Research Team to Formative - Baseline Research for Prevention+ Program 2017, Indonesian

RutgersWPF Indonesia is a nongovernmental organization that has been working in Indonesia  to improve sexual and reproductive health and rights and prevent sexual and gender based violence. We have a longstanding expertise in this field and work together with more than 20 partners to support CSE and Youth Friendly Services as well as implement Male Involvement approach to reduce GBV. In our approach we integrate advocacy, research and gender transformative programming.

Terms of Reference

Prevention + program in Indonesia will be effectively implemented from 2017 to 2020. This program is a continuation of MenCare+ program (2013-2015), which formulates its main problem as "Rigid gender and cultural norms and harmful practices that individuals determine behavior causing GBV and gender injustices are upheld and reinforced by the individual, community, civil society and institutions as well as governments a like." Prevention+ will work to make changes at several levels: (1) the individual, (2) community, (3) service providers as well as policies and budgeting, both at local and national level.

At the individual level the expected change is to increase awareness of the gender-based violence. This in turn is expected to encourage community to build reporting and referral mechanisms. In this context, men are no longer regarded merely as perpetrators but also part of the solution. Working with men is a crucial element that differentiates Prevention+ of other SGBV programs. Men are not only considered to be "able" to do harm, but also capable of being a supportive partner including in their spouse’s economic empowerment and sharing household chores. Furthermore, positive changes in individual and societal level also need support primarily from government and law enforcement.

Prevention+ has one overall objective, that is to create a gender just society, free of gender-based violence, and seven outcomes that will serve as guidance throughout the program implementation for the coming four years:
  • (Young) men and women have gender just norms and attitudes and actively participate to prevent GBV.
  • Men and women take joint decisions regarding income generating activities
  • Community has gender just norms and attitudes
  • Quality GBV services are provided
  • Gender transformative approaches and gender justice is mainstreamed within Institutions.
  • Networks and CSO's promote gender justice and by engaging (young) men in interventions to prevent GBV
  • Policy environment is changed so governments take up gender transformative approaches in their programs, policies, and budgets.
These changes will be evaluated by the end of the program course and compared with the baseline. Selected consultant will conduct study in the intervention areas. The consultant will be responsible in designing and revising surveys, including making reasonable budget and timeline, conduct the data obtaining and analysis. As the implementer for Prevention+ program, RutgersWPF Indonesia is responsible to supervise the outcome measurements process. The consultancy is for two months during the period of March – May 2017 and is for a maximum number of 60 days.  Include in the scope of works are inception report, collecting data and analysis, and final report.

Unlike evaluation surveys during the previous programs, this study will be focused on specific outcomes that become the country’s priorities. If applicable, the results will also be used as baseline data, for a selection of Prevention+ outcome indicators. In Indonesia the program will particularly be focusing on Outcome 2 Men and women take joint decisions regarding income generating activities that is on women’s economic empowerment and ensuring changing gender norms accordingly. There are three objectives for this assignment:
  • To capture the state of beneficiaries’ behavior elated to gender norms, attitude and their role in preventing GBV, communication skills, ability to cope with aggression and frustration, and decision making patterns related to income generating activities, which mostly we have implemented in our program with community interventions as well as male counseling.
  • To identify gender norms and proxy indicators that will influence the expected changes and also to analyze whether these changes also happen to people in non-intervention areas. As Gender Transformative Approach will be implemented in the program, the instruments to be used and analysis should accommodate the GTA principles to allow program draw lesson learnt about using the approach.
  • To map and assess economic actors and potentials to be involved in women economic empowerment initiatives. Along with GTA, WEE is a strategic approach that will contribute to a more equitable gender behavior between couples.
Tasks to be performed
  • Formulating research questions and report back on these research questions.
  • Prepare a detailed work plan that includes instruments and tools, sampling method, a thorough and tight time frame, and budget for the research;
  • Conduct fieldwork and data analysis;
  • Conduct validation workshop that involving partners;
  • Managing the data and research findings;
  • Writing final reports (each report consists of a maximum of 50 pages excluding annexes) and outline the plan for publication and dissemination.
Tangible outputs
  • Inception Report – Analysis of existing situation (situation occurs when the study takes place) and plan of work for the assignment; no later than one week after the commencement of the consultancy. The inception report will include timeline, research questions, methodologies (study design, instruments and tools) to be applied, and a draft outline of the final report.
  • Progress Report – Short description of progress (technical and financial) including problems encountered; planned activities for the coming period accompanied by an invoice and the expenditure verification report; no later than 1 month after the end of each implementation period.
  • Draft Final Report – Description of findings including problems encountered and recommendations for further program development; no later than 2 months before the end of the implementation period. The reports shall be written in both English and Indonesian.
  • Final Report – Short description of achievements including problems encountered and recommendations; The final report is submitted within 1 month of receiving comments by Rutgers on the draft final report
Instruments to be developed will be checked using following criteria:
  • Do the questions within the instruments relate sufficiently to the indicators? Could the questions be used to measure changes?
  • Are the topics of the surveys to be found within the content of the program and its interventions?
  • Questions that have been covered within the formative research instruments which are’
  • The content of the instruments and questionnaires (or surveys) should be clearly linked to the outcome indicators of the Prevention+ result chain.
  • The questionnaires should be pre-tested by the external researchers in order to avoid that questions are confusing or multi-interpretable.
Sample and Work Plan
The target population for this survey is community participants in the intervention areas, as well as women attending WEE module and activities, and participants of Gender Transformative Approach trainings and activities It is the responsibility of the lead consultant to determine the sample size in every community in each intervention areas. The consultant will also be asked to develop a workable work plan for the data collection process.

Data Management
Data management will be a crucial part of this formative study. The selected consultant will be asked to submit their plan that includes a plan for data analysis quality assurance, analysis, ethical review and research permit, preparation of field sites and personnel (supervisors and interviewers), and report writing.

Required Expertise of the Consultants Team/Specifications
  • Organizations with proven skills in conducting research and M&E in the issues preferably gender and women’s economic empowerment and Gender Transformative Approach.
  • Sound background in the mentioned areas
  • Strong attention to consistency, detail and quality.
  • Ability to travel within the country during this assignment.
Expected Timeline and Term of Payment
The Consultant will receive a consultancy fee to be paid in the following installments:
  • The first installment in the amount of 30% of the consultancy fee shall be paid upon signing of the contract,
  • The second installment in the amount of 40 % of the consultancy fee shall be paid upon submission of output 1, 2, and 3 i.e. inception report, progress and draft final report by Rutgers WPF Indonesia.
  • The third installment in the amount of 30 % of the total fee shall be paid upon submission of the final report and approval by RutgersWPF Indonesia.
Selected candidates will be asked to submit an inception report with anticipated work plan and time- schedule, based on an analysis of the issues to be studied, the proposed method, and the reporting requirements. A presentation of the detailed work plan and methods as included in the inception report will be part of the assignment.

How to Apply
Interested applicants are invited to send:
  • A short expression of interest (max 5 pages) clearly specifying understanding of the assignment, steps in the research, limitations, innovative suggestions as well as suitability and availability.
  • Portfolio indicating previous research experiences in qualitative and quantitative research on social issues and a list of researches conducted.
  • Samples of previous research reports
by e-mail to : recruitment.rutgerswpf.indo@rutgerswpfindo.org

Indicating the title of this assignment (Baseline Research Prevention+)

Application deadline will close at 5.00 pm (Jakarta time), [24 February 2017].

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

The project will be awarded to candidate whose proposal shows the soundest methodology and efficiency in using resources.