
SurfAid International Job Vacancy : End Line Survey Team Leader - Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat

SurfAid is a non-profit, international organisation working in remote locations in Indonesia connected through surfing. SurfAid has been working with programmes and issues concerning Mother and Child Health under the umbrella of Health Promotion from Health Department.
Program Sehat Ibu Anak Mbojo (SIMBO) has been implemented in Kecamatan Parado, Kabupaten Bima covering 5 villages. Working in water sanitation, mother and child health, and CLTS issues, the program which stated in 2013 and will come to its closure in April 2017. 
SurfAid is seeking a professional consultant to conduct the end line survey for SIMBO program to evaluate its outputs, effectivity, and stakeholders’ acceptance for future program inputs and planning purposes.
In general, the consultant is responsible to lead and to conduct the end line survey, and at the same time ensure it compliance with standard principles of proper and accountable survey.
The expected outcomes are:
  • Ensure survey ethics and standards are being followed.
  • Review and finalize quantitative surveys and the sampling.
  • Review and finalize qualitative study design (questionnaire, guidance and operational definitions).
  • Conduct trainings to enumerators and questionnaire try out.
  • Monitor, lead and ensure the end line survey in kecamatan Parado that it is done as planned and according to the agreed standards.
  • Analyse the end line survey results.
  • Prepare end line survey report and program recommendations.
  • Disseminate survey results to the relevant stakeholders facilitated by SurfAid.
  • Prepare data entry template (epi data) for data entry.
  • Conduct training for data entry personnel.
  • Ensure clean data entry.
  • Analyse baseline and end line data.
All activities will be done with SurfAid team.
Duration and Location
The schedule of activities starts from early March 2017, and is expected to be completed in early May 2017.  All activities are to be done in Parado, Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat.
The consultant should have:
  • Master degree in Public Health.
  • Experience in leading research/survey/assessment of any of the topics: water and sanitation, mother and child health, or nutrition.
  • Preferably familiar with Bima or Nusa Tenggara Barat context, location, or culture.
  • Willing to travel and stay in Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat during the assignment.
  • Master SPSS program and the analysis.
  • Excellent analytical thinking and report writing skill.
  • Excellent English.
Qualified candidates should send their CV and a statement of 5 reasons why they are the perfect candidates for the job to jobs@surfaidinternational.org before 13 February 2017.