
MAMPU Project Job Consultant: Partnership Reviewer, Jakarta - Indonesian

Employment Opportunity – MAMPU Indonesia, Partnership Reviewer (Consultancy Position)
The Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty Reduction Program or Maju Perempuan Indonesia untuk Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (MAMPU) Program is funded by the Government of Australia through the Australian Aid Program in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). 
The MAMPU Program supports networks and inclusive coalitions of women’s and gender-interested organisations (the MAMPU partners), and parliamentarians to influence government policies, regulations and services, and in selected private sector arenas. Ultimately, this work aims to improve the access of poor women in Indonesia to critical services and programs. The MAMPU Program provides a combination of grants and capacity development support to partner organisations working in five thematic areas: 
  • Improving women’s access to government social protection programs;
  • Increasing women’s access to jobs and removing workplace discrimination;
  • Improving conditions for women’s overseas labour migration;
  • Strengthening women’s leadership for better maternal and reproductive health;
  • Strengthening women’s leadership to reduce violence against women. 
The MAMPU Program is managed by Cowater International. Cowater International assists the partners to carry out their projects and provides a range of capacity development support to each partner.
MAMPU is seeking a Partnership Reviewer to prepare and conduct the DFAT managed Partnership Agreements and Health Checks review for the MAMPU and selected DFAT programs.
Please click the link below to view the Terms of Reference
The scope of works for any Partnership Agreement and Health Check are defined and managed directly by DFAT; this TOR may be varied at the request of DFAT to reflect any changes required.
Applications including a cover letter and current CV with 3 referees should be sent in confidence to recruitment@mampu.or.id by COB Monday,16 December 2016 noting the title of applied position in the subject line.
Please note that the cover letter should be 2-3 pages only and address the following selection criteria: 
  • Your capacity to deliver the services:
    • A depth of experience reviewing Partnership Agreements and conducting Partnership Health Checks and providing practical recommendations to improve program implementation;
    • High level experience working in Indonesia and proven results relating to successful relationship building with Government of Australia officials;
    • Experience developing comprehensive development program plans.
  • Relevant expertise, qualifications and experience to perform the services to a satisfactory standard
    • A Bachelor level degree in a relevant discipline with at least 15 years of experience working in international development;
    • Outstanding advocacy, negotiation and facilitation skills;
    • Fluency in English.
  • Your daily rates and a fully-costed proposal of reimbursables.
Australian Aid – Managed by Cowater International Inc. on behalf of The Australian Government