
Hivos Southeast Asia Job Consultant: Training Module For Farming Project Based in Surabaya

Background and Introduction
Since 2014, Hivos Southeast Asia has been implementing a Making Markets Work for the Poor (M4P) project on behalf of the DFAT-funded Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Income through Support for Markets in Agriculture (AIP-PRISMA) program.  The project, entitled “Commercial Pig Rearing in Nusa Tenggara Timur”, was implemented in Flores and Sumba in partnership with private sector entities, civil society organisations, and individual farmers.  Phase 1 of this project concluded in May 2016.  Phase 2 has begun in July 2016 and to run for two years.  During Phase 2 the implementation region is expanded to include locations in Sumba.
The objective of the project is to increase pig farmer incomes by improving and incentivizing productivity. This will be achieved by addressing several constraints on farmers' efficient participation in the market, namely: facilitating farmer access to finance; increasing the speed at which pigs can be raised via the introduction of improved pig breeds; encouraging the development of service providers for fodder, extension services, commercial aggregation and processing; and developing retail, wholesale and export potential in NTT.
Problem Statement
Aspiring farmer entrepreneurs face different challenges, which affect their decision to start or continue in businesses. Some of these are unique to smallholder farmers. Entrepreneurs need to plan well for their business. They need to be aware of the implication of their good planning or lack of it, decisions and actions they make to their well-being, their family, their society, the environment and global community at large. All must be in a good balance. Entrepreneurs, especially farmers, need to learn how to keep their ventures consistently competitive and sustainably operating, for their well-being.
This initiative is to identifying, motivating, training and facilitating farmers to take up Good Rearing Practice as an economic activity. The training modules will be combining the result oriented practices of GRP and the best aspects of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship among farmers is considered one of the key means of attaining the overall objective of the MP4.
  • To develop interactive training modules to promote Pig Good Rearing Practice (GRP) and Pig Business models and calculation,
  • To train and enhance the capacity of Feed Company Technical Service, Feed Company Agents and Sub Agents Pig GRP and Pig Business models and calculation,
  • To enable Feed Company Technical Service, Feed Company Agents and Sub-agent to promote and train Pig Farmers in Pig GRP and Pig Business models and calculation.

Duties and Responsibilities
The consultant shall develop interactive training modules and materials, develop, plan and organize training of trainers workshops, and advise Hivos as well as its service providers on related materials.
The consultant will work under the overall supervision of the Hivos Project Manager for Pig Farming Project.
Scope of Work
  • Study and assess the Pig Farming Project to design the respective training syllabus with the view to be incorporated into training module and materials;
  • Creating interactive training modules and material aimed at enhancing capacity of Technical Service Feed Company, Feed Agents, Feed Sub-agents and Pig Farmers to respond effectively to the pig market demand;
  • Organize and facilitate, in cooperation with Hivos, training of trainers workshops to promote and enhance capacity for effective GRP, Pig business models and calculation.  These trainings of trainers will be for the Feed Company Technical Service, Feed Company Agents and Sub-agents. There are 6 companies partnering with Hivos in this Pig Project. The training modules shall be developed respectively accommodating each brand from each Feed Company.
  • Advise Hivos and its partners as well as its service providers with related material to be developed.
Expected Outputs and Deliverables
  • An interactive training modules and materials aimed at enhancing capacity of farmers through Technical service feed company, pig feed agents and sub-agents in Flores and Sumba area;
  • A polished report on the outcome of and responses from the participants attending the training of trainers workshop;
  • Adaption of final training module into training module for smallholder farmers. This will be done in consultation with Hivos Project Manager and guided by the outcome and response from the training of trainers workshop;
  • A polished report on the outcome of, and responses from, the participants attending the training of trainers workshops.

Indicators to evaluate the consultant’s performance
Performance indicators are:
  • The quality and timely delivery of all required tasks as provided for in this terms of reference so as to ensure the successful development of the training modules and materials.
  • Submission of progress report summarizing the services provided; and
  • The submission of modules and reports including the final comprehensive report as provided for in this terms of reference.

Contract and Duration
30 working days spread over 3 calendar months (from January to March 2017). The successful candidate should be able to take up her/his duties as soon as the contractual documentation has been finalized.
Consultant Project Location
Consultant(s) will be working most of the time in all project location in Surabaya, Districts in West Flores, East Flores and Sumba Island areas.
Hivos provides maximum IDR 60,000,000 for this consultancy fee service. Additional budget for travel-related activities will be given in accordance to Hivos’ budget and policy.
  • University degree, preferably advanced level, in Livestock Management, Business Management and Livestock Health Management;
  • At least 5 years relevant and professional experience including extensive knowledge and experience in Livestock Management, Business Management and Livestock Health;
  • Knowledge of the farming culture as well as socio-economical drivers in Flores and Sumba will be highly desirable;
  • Proven modules drafting skills;
  • Proven and extensive experience in the development of training syllabus and materials;
  • Proven ability and experience in leading and facilitating training workshops on multidisciplinary and multicultural teams;
  • Multidisciplinary skills and the ability to communicate effectively;
  • Ability to work both independently and as part of a team;
  • Sensitivity to regional political, gender and cultural balance;
  • A high standard of professionalism;
  • Ability to engage in regional travel as the consultant may be required to travel. 

Consultant consist of and individual or a team (be an independent consultant or an institution) and shall submit the following:
  • Provide company profile and or CVs of the core consultant team member, one-page proposal of proposed activity including budget, and example of previous business module work.

Interested parties must submit a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae including three contactable references to:ransori@hivos.org dan qregar@hivos.org    by 30 December 2016.