
GGGI Job Vacancy: Knowledge and Capacity Development Senior Officer - Indonesian

Knowledge and Capacity Development Senior Officer

The Senior Officer is in charge of developing substantive inputs and analyses to the development, delivery, and assessment of work programs and activities at country level related to curicula and module design as well as the management of a knowledge platform and the coordination of north/south- south learning.

The individual will organize program activities on capacity building and knowledge development for effective result deliveries under biannual/annual program plans; maintaining effective program reporting and communication internally and externally in line with GGGI corporate policies, standards and protocols.

The position reports to the GGGI Principal Program Manager in Indonesia and is part of the global Green Growth Planning and Implementation (GGP&I) team. The position will be based at the relevant government counterparts, subject to approval by the ministry, as part the GGGI Indonesia 'hybrid team”.

GGGI and the Republic of Indonesia, with the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), as focal point and various implemting agnecies are implementing the Government of Indonesia – Global Green Growth Institute Green Growth Program Phase II (the Program) with the overall objective of supporting Indonesia in achieving green growth that is socially inclusive, environmentally sustainable and resource efficient. One workstream is on he development of a green growth curiculum and set of relevant modules to become part of the mandatory training for government officials across Indonesia as well as on capacity development more generally.

  • Implements projects relevant to curicula design, north/south-south learning and knowledge platform development, including budget, project monitoring and evaluation
  • Manage a team which develops green growth curricula and module design, development of other knowledge and learning products including audio-visual products, and innovative learning platforms.
  • Assess issues and opportunities within targeted sector;
  • Formulate projects within the context of the country program;
  • Apply institutional strategy (“GGGI Strategic Plan 2015-2020”) and country engagement strategy (“Country Planning Framework”) to the design and development of yearly program plans and activities for the alignment with GGGI core values and corporate priorities
  • Develop result reporting of program activities internally and externally 
  • Builds support and understanding working closely with national counterparts;
  • Advise Country Team/Representative and government counterparts (BAPPENAS and the National Institute of Public Administration (Lembaga Administrasi Negara) on the development green growth curicula, knowledge platform and north/south south learning
  • Collaborate with other country teams, units and divisions of GGGI on identified joint activity opportunities to ensure knowledge exchange and integrated delivery as “One GGGI”
  • Maintain active professional relations with partner governments and other key stakeholders to capture and integrate their changing needs and manage “client” expectations.
  • Promote the Indonesia program and GGGI’s global efforts with the donor community and other stakeholders;
  • Advise GGGI on opportunities for engagement on the knowledge and capacity development sector, demonstrating effective adaptation of the GGGI approach;
  • Provides substansive input to the design of an impactful green growth curricula and relevant modules based on the LAN’s standards for different target audiences and meeting relevant administrative and legal standards to ensure the curricula can become part of the mandatory training for government officials;
  • Identifies and develop strategies to coach and train green growth trainers and coaches to run green growth training sessions and lead the piloting of training programs;
  • Provides substansive input to the design of a knowledge platform focused on green growth in Indonesia;
  • Provides substansive input to north/south – south initiatives, learning and exchanges;
  • Organize program activities including consultation and validation meetings, focal group discussions & workshops with key national and subnational stakeholders based on yearly/ biannual work programs and budget plans;
  • Identifies project delivery issues and ensures effective coordination of project activities and resources to ensure attainment of objectives against established timeframes;
  • Develop project execution modality and documents across project management cycle;
  • Perform data collection and analyses to build and maintain knowledgebase;
  • Develop result reporting of program activities and facilitate internal and external communications
  • Capture lessons learned in project management to support refinement/improvement of program delivery.
  • Masters degree in education, learning and knowledge development or a related discipline
  • At least 7 (seven) or more years of experience in the fields of learning processes, education and training, curricula development, knowledge platform design and stakeholder engagement. 
  • Demonstrated experience preparing reports, including the types of analysis specific to the objectives and scope of this position.
  • Demonstrated ability to represent organizations to government officials and develop and carry-out a strategy
  • Relevant experience in the areas of green growth, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture and sustainable management of natural resources.
  • Highly organized with a keen eye for detail and the ability to multi-task
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work with multi-cultural teams
  • Strong oral and written English, and fluency in Indonesian is essential
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision.
  • Experience of working in an international organization or firm is a benefit although not essential
  • Results-oriented
  • Client-oriented
  • Teamwork-oriented
  • Learning and sharing atitude