
Yayasan Kasih Suwitno Job Vacancy: Administrator & Data Entry Assistant, Yogyakarta

Yayasan Kasih Suwitno Job Vacancies 2016

Yayasan Kasih Suwitno (YKS) will work with the Ministry of Health to strengthen HIV and STI services for high-risk groups in 38 Districts across Indonesia supported by Global Fund for AIDS TB and Malaria (GFATM). Currently Yayasan Kasih Suwitno is looking for: Administrator and Data entry Assistant (ADEA)

Under the supervision of the Program officer - the Administrator and Data entry Assistant (ADEA) will be assisting the selected clinic sites in Financial, administrative, procurement, and Data Entry.

Summary of responsibilities
  • Prepare the monthly Financial report based on the YKS format to the YKS office
    • Menyiapkan laporang keuangan bulanan sesuai dengan format YKS ke kantor pusat YKS.
  • Completing the monthly financial report with the original evidence (receipt, bill and other supporting documents)
    • Melengkapi laporan keuangan bulanan dengan tanda bukti asli: kwitansi, tanda terima dan dokumen pendukung lainnya
  • Distributing the remuneration to the Puskesmas staff based on the decree
    • Melakukan pendistribusian pembayaran untuk Staf puskesmas sesuai dengan SK
  • Submit the monthly financial report in soft and hard copy to the YKS office, Jakarta on a timely basis
    • Mengirimkan laporan keuangan bulanan dalam bentuk soft copy dan hard copy ke kantor pusat YKS, di Jakarta secara tepat waktu
  • Ensure the monthly financial report is completed and proper based on the Financial SOP of YKS
    • Meyakinkan laporan keuangan bulanan telah lengkap sesuai dengan peraturan keuangan YKS
  • Under coordination with the head office of YKS, executing the procurement of Non-Asset or stuff based on the approved list and follows to the procurement guidelines of YKS
    • Di bawah koordinasi/petunjuk dari kantor pusat YKS, melakukan pembelian Non-Aset atau barang-barang yang telah disetujui dalam daftar dan melakukannya sesuai dengan peraturan Procurement YKS
  • Prepare the monthly report of inventory/asset procured under Global Fund
    • Menyiapkan laporan bulanan aset/barang yang dibeli dari dana Global Fund
  • Reporting the broken, lost asset and Non-Asset using the formatted form and follows the report procedure of YKS
    • Melaporakan adanya kerusakan, kehilangan aset dan Non-aset dengan menggunakan formulir yang sudah disediakan dan sesuai dengan prosedur pelaporan YKS
Administrasi dan Data Entry/Administrative & Data Entry
  • Monitor and collect the timesheet of Puskesmas Staff based on the decree
    • Memonitor dan mengumpulkan time sheet staff Puskesma sesuai dengan SK
  • Assist in drafting the invitation of monthly meeting as well as distributing the invitation
    • Membantu menyiapkan draft undangan pertemuan bulanan dan mendistribusikan
  • Assist in preparing the logistic for the monthly meeting
    • Membantu dalam mempersiapkan pertemuan bulanan
  • Prepare MoM of monthly meeting and reported along with the monthly financial report
    • Melakukan Notulensi untuk pertemuan bulanan dan melaporakan bersamaan dengan Laporan keuangan bulanan
  • Prepare the attendance list of the monthly meeting and enclosed on the monthly financial report
    • Menyiapkan daftar hadir peserta pertemuan bulanan dan melampirakan dalam laporan keuangan bulanan
  • Documented the activity of Puskesmas (Strengthen MSM friendly service sites/clinics and mobile testing)
    • Mendokumentasikan kegiatan (Penguatan Layanan Ramah LSL di puskesmas dan Mobile testing)
  • Cooperating with RR (Report and Register) officer in entering data
    • Bekerjasama dengan petugas RR (Pencatatan dan Pelaporan) puskesmas dalam hal data entri
Job Requirements

Education, knowledge and experience
  • Bachelor’s degree in relevant fields is required.
  • Fresh Graduate
  • Must have excellent communication skills, verbal and written and understanding English language
Personal attributes and competencies
  • Honest and trusted person (Jujur dan Dapat Dipercaya)
  • The candidate is expected to work remotely using his/her own computer, but may access the Puskesmas office printing or relevant documents or should he/she be required to work on-site at any point during the assignment.
    • Kandidat diharapkan bias bekerja secara jarak jauh dengan menggunakan computer pribadi, tetapi dapat mengakses printer Puskesmas untuk document yang dibutuhkan atau Kandidat juga diminta untuk bekerja di lapangan sesuai permintaan/penempatan
Terms and conditions
The duty station will be at Partner office in Malang-1 post, Surabaya-1 post, Semarang-1 post, Solo-1 post, Yogyakarta-1 post; Kota Bandung-1 post, Kota Bekasi-1 post, Kota Depok-1 post; Kota Bogor-1 post

Application process

The application deadline is 19 October 2016.

Please send the application with Subject: “YKS_ADEA_LOCATION_Post_name” of applicant toyayasankasihsuwitno@gmail.com

We will acknowledge all applications, but will contact only short-listed candidates.