
Peace Corps International Job Vacancy: Safety and Security Manager - Surabaya, Indonesian

The United States Peace Corps program in Indonesia is currently open recruitment for qualified and motivated candidates for positions in SURABAYA.

Position: Safety and Security Manager (SSM)
Division/ Department: Executive
Salary: Depends on salary history, minimum starting annual basic salary Rp.191,069,829
Location: Surabaya, Indonesia
Reports to: Country Director

Statement Of Work – SSM:

General Description
The role of the Safety and Security Manager (SSM) is to support security-related functions (i.e. site inspection and selection, Volunteer site visits, emergency planning, incident response, etc.) that are critical to post operations and Volunteer support. The Office of Safety and Security provides technical oversight of security related matters and SSM professional development. The SSM reports to the Country Director (CD) who manages day to day workload. The SSM has primary responsibility for managing appropriate safety and security systems and procedures in compliance with MS 270 and other policies, and develops risk mitigation and response strategies to implement the Post security program.

The SSM is responsible for reporting non-compliance with MS 270 to the CD.

Under the direct supervision of the CD, the SSM may also be the contact point with the Peace Corps Safety and Security Officer (PCSSO), Regional Security Advisor (RSA), Embassy security officials, and local law enforcement agencies in carrying out the responsibilities designated below or as directed by the CD. Technical review, evaluation and training will be conducted during PCSSO visits and through review of reports submitted and other materials produced.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Supports and Verifies Safety and Security Policy Implementation: Provides administrative support and verification that adequate systems are functioning to support Volunteer safety and security in accordance with Peace Corps Manual Section (MS) 270, Volunteer/Trainee Safety and Security
  • Coordinates Safety and Security Training
  • Supports Home-Stays and Site Identification
  • Manages Incident Reporting and Response
  • Advises on Safety and Security Policy and Program
  • Prepares for and Responds to Emergencies
  • Acts as Safety and Security Liaison
  • Analyzes Crime Trends: Conducts annual crime trends analysis; shares results with staff and Volunteers as appropriate; and coordinates modifications of post’s safety and security program based on findings. Submits annual trends analysis to the Office of Safety and Security (i.e., PCSSO) and Region (i.e., RSA)
  • Shares Information: Develops and maintains a legible and orderly system for collecting, compiling, and disseminating pertinent safety and security information to be made accessible to appropriate Post staff and Volunteers as required
  • Develops Resources and Policy: Develops and organizes safety and security resources such as manuals, handbooks, leaflets, pamphlets, slides, videos, and memos and makes their contents and Peace Corps policies known to staff and Volunteers
  • Coordinates Duty Officer Program: In collaboration with the CD and PCSSO, coordinates post duty officer system. Trains designated duty officers on their roles and responsibilities for responding to and reporting of incidents
  • Creating and monitoring monthly work schedules for the Safety and Security Assistant.
  • Responsible for daily supervision of the Safety and Security Assistant to ensure adherence to Peace Corps policies and procedures.
  • Ensure the Safety and Security Assistant has the necessary equipment to fulfill their responsibilities and that it is in good working order.
  • Conduct performance appraisals for the Safety and Security Assistant

Related working experience:

  • Experience with safety and security programs of Peace Corps is preferred
  • Experience with safety and security programs of similar NGO/development organizations
  • Relevant professional security or law enforcement experience

Skills and Abilities:

  • Ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships with other organizations, including local law enforcement, criminal justice, emergency management and other NGO/development agencies
  • Ability to analyze crime trends and other risks and propose mitigation strategies
  • Demonstrated organizational and communication skills
  • Demonstrated English proficiency, both written and oral
  • Demonstrated local language fluency
  • Ability to conduct training and give presentations, in both English and a local language
  • Ability to work with Microsoft Office Suite, and other basic computer knowledge

Educational Background:

  • College degree with relevant subject is preferred.

Please submit your CV and Application Letter in English as one PDF file to: id-jobs@id.peacecorps.gov indicating “SSM” in the subject line of the email.

To be considered the email should be sent no later than Monday October 17, 2016 at 12:00PM local Surabaya time.