
MSI International Job Vacancy: Event Logistics Support - Jakarta, Indonesian

RFQ title: “Event Logistics Support”

RFQ issued on: 7 October 2016

Deadline for questions: 21 October 2016 at 04.00 PM Jakarta time.

Deadline for submission of Quotations: 4 November 2016 at 04.00 PM Jakarta time via e-mail to grants@msi-cegah.com with cc to: zkrishnamoorthy@msi-inc.com

Objective: This RFQ aims to assist CEGAH in providing support to government agencies to conduct several events, such as seminars, workshops, FGDs, and training for one year.

Geographic focus: The RFQ solicits applications for interventions that will be implemented both in nationally and in four focus areas that are North Maluku, North Sumatera, Banten, and East Java.

  • Event Organizer as basis for company formation is preferable;
  • Sound experience in conducting a seminar or training event, and proven track record in organizing conferences or events;
  • Demonstrated strong coordination and facilitation skills;
  • Strong team player, results-oriented, and problem-solving skills.
Expected contract type: Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA)

You can download the complete documents HERE.

If you have any problem in opening the document or question please let us know by sending an email to grants@msi-cegah.com