
Lutheran World Relief Job Vacancy: Monitoring & Evaluation CASANDRA Project bases in Sumba Island

Lutheran World Relief (LWR), a U.S. based non-profit development organization engaged in seeking lasting solutions to poverty and reducing risk, is seeking an consultant for external evaluation  of the project Climate Smart Agriculture through Building Resilience Food System (CASANDRA) in East Sumba District, Sumba Island, NTT Province. The evaluation will be conducted in 2 villages in East Sumba District, Sumba Island, and NTT Province.

Sumba Island is one of the big islands in Nusa Tenggara province that effected by global climate change. The local people now seen the impact of global climate change and they dealing with climate shocks, water stresses and unsustainable production over the last 10 years. Lutheran World Relief initiated to develop 3 years pilot project to anticipate climate impact by empowering and enhancing farmer’s livelihood though adoption of climate smart agricultural practices and resilience food system in Tabundung and Hahru sub – district of East Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara province.

The project tittle is Climate Smart Agriculture through building resilience food system with goal “To Improve the reliability and strength of farmer’s agricultural system though as set of climate smart agriculture measures”. The project is introduce specific adaptive measures with outcomes:
  • Increase crop harvest (especially corn, rice, peanuts and vegetables) by improved water management systems ensure adequate and efficient use of water.
  • Build communities capacity to develop sustain local seeds system (Local community has capacity to build, develop and sustain local seeds system).
  • Document practical knowledge based on the success and lessons from CASANDRA Project that can be replicated and scaled up. (Smart practices and practical knowledge on adaptation are documented and share).
The target beneficiaries of the project are 1,120 (635 men and 575 women) with indirect beneficiaries are 15.010 people. This project area as representative of 2 different climate condition and implemented in 2 villages namely Wunga village in Haharu Sub District which is Wunga is dry area and Tarimbang village in Tabundung Sub District and is wet area.

The project is implemented by Tananua Foundation and started from February 1, 2014 and will finish on September 30, 2016. Tananua Foundation is LWR partner in the past with the project Agroforestry Project in Tabundung Sub District. This project as well develop coordination with local government agency that work in both area.

Climate smart agriculture through building resilience food system (CASANDRA) project is LWR Indonesia pilot project on sector climate change adaptation and climate smart agriculture sub sector. This project developing based on the field study that conducted by LWR in East Sumba District, NTT province. Influence by global warming the farmer facing problem to address their agriculture issues and full fill their needs on agriculture. To address this issue, LWR working with Tananua Foundation implement this project.

The Scope of the evaluation is defines:
  • Review CASANDRAs performance against objectives and their indicators; and plus with OECD-DAC evaluation criteria – relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability and cross cutting themes.
  • To document key achievements, strength, weakness and lesson learnt.
  • To recommend technical and management aspects of the project for scaling of this project in the future.
The detail evaluation key question will be share for the selected candidates.

This is performance evaluation, where evaluator should focus level of achievements of the intended projects results especially to outcomes and their indicators. Data collection process will be conducted by employing both qualitative and quantitative techniques. These will include:
  • Project Document Review and Analysis.   
  • Primary data collection
  • Focus Group Discussions
  • Questionnaire-based Survey
  • Sample and sampling procedure
The key deliverables, or tangible products of this final evaluation are: 
  • Evaluation plan (inception plan, inception report):
Within five days from signing the contract, the consultant shall submit the Inception Report, which clearly defines the evaluation methodology, such as clear outlines of FGDs and KII checklist, survey questionnaires, and an evaluation timeline with specific deadlines for each deliverable.  The inception report should also clearly explain the sampling methodology and sample size for the quantitative survey and clear and logical explanation of the number of FGDs and KIIs planned in each location. The inception report will be reviewed and approved by the LWR Team. The evaluator cannot start the data collection process without the LWR team’s approval on the inception report, including the sample size calculation and distribution across different locations.

Data collection in the field. Conducting FGDs, questionnaire based survey collection from among the select beneficiaries as part of the KIIs.
  • Draft evaluation report:
    • Draft evaluation report to be submitted within 5 days of completion of the data for the review and comments from LWR Indonesia team.  The review and feedback of the report could be more than one rounds depending
  • Final evaluation report:
    • The final evaluation report after incorporating the comments from LWR team. The report should be written strictly in English language and the template will be share separately.
  • Other knowledge products or facilitation of knowledge sharing events:
Any other knowledge products or facilitation of knowledge sharing events to share evaluation results.

The evaluation team will include the evaluator, LWR Indonesia PM and the partner.  The evaluator will be under the direct supervision of the LWR PM and an overall guidance of the LWR   Regional Technical Advisor – M&E for Asia and Middle East. LWR Indonesia PM   will be responsible for facilitating the needs of the consultant for the purpose of the evaluation.

Evaluator is overall responsible for conducting the evaluation and submit the final report. The evaluator should closely work with LWR PM for any logistic or communication. The evaluator should be responsible for all above deliverables.

Inception report is not part of days of evaluation work, but part of consultant proposal.  The duration contract will be a total not more than 20 days*) starting 31 August until 26 September 2016.


The qualification:
  • At least 10 years’ experience on project evaluation, assessment, and impact study with using quantitative and qualitative design and methods.
  • Sound knowledge on climate change, income generating and water management.
  • Prior experience in evaluating climate change/climate smart agriculture programs will be an added advantage
  • Cultural competency and strong ethics and know of NTT especially East Sumba will be an added advantage.
  • Gender-sensitivity in incorporating gender perspectives when analyzing problems.
  • Sound knowledge on program development;
  • Master’s degree in social science or other related fields; Candidates with degree in climate smart agriculture will be given a priority
  • Excellent command over written English;
A complete proposals/application should be submitted by the deadline and should include:
  • Proposal (maximum 6 pages, including the methods and methodology to be adopted)
  • Budget estimates and price quote
  • CV
  • Cover letter
  • Availability
  • References
  • Writing sample
Interested applications should send their Expression of Interest to lwrindonesia1@gmail.com and cc domi.sumba@gmail.com before August 18, 2016. Lutheran World Relief will send the full Term of Reference upon requested by applicants.  The proposal should be received by Lutheran World Relief not later than 20 August 2016.

LWR/partner may withdraw this announcement at any time if LWR/Partner did not find the suitable and qualified evaluators for this assignment.