
USAID APIK Membuka Lowongan Professional Photography - Indonesian

Professional Photography Services Consultant

 Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Ketangguhan (APIK) is a 5-year program funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) that supports the Government of Indonesia to strengthen climate and disaster resilience, working in an integrated manner from the national to the regional and community levels.

In support of this overall objective, APIK seeks to:
  • Mainstream climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction into national and sub-national governance frameworks;
  • Build the capacity of local communities and the private sector to address climate change and weather-related natural hazards; and
  • Support the use of information for climate and disaster risk management among key stakeholders.
In order to achieve project’s objectives and for day-to-day implementation, APIK will produce communication products such as brochure, fact sheet, success stories, newsletter, and others. It is important to produce visually compelling communication products to effectively convey message to project’s target audience. Images or photos are one of critical aspect in communication products.
APIK will need collection of images/ photos related to climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, communities or beneficiaries that APIK works with and have impacted, and others related to the project. To collect those photos, APIK needs a photographer consultant as a Short Term Technical Assistance (STTA).
Scope of Work
The scope of work of a photographer is as follows:
  • Understand and follow USAID’s guidance on stills image that will be provided by APIK.
  • Take photos/ images with visually compelling composition based on requests/ photo shoot assignments directed by APIK Communication, Outreach, and Knowledge Management Specialist.
  • Provide selection of edited photos to be used by APIK. Editing is only limited to color correction, composition, and not intended to change or manipulate the facts portrayed in the photos.
  • Support APIK staff(s) to ensure all subjects and individuals being photographed give their written consent.
  • Ensure the metadata information of each photo contains photographer’s name and short description to ensure proper attribution for any photo usage. Format of copyright information: PHOTO: [photographer’s name]/ USAID Indonesia/ APIK.
Mainly, the photographer will capture the representatives of APIK’s project beneficiaries (i.e. fisherman and farmers communities, community who live in disaster-prone areas, etc.) and the impact of APIK’s project on their life. Moreover, the photographer also may be asked to capture landscape photos, and other images related to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction as stock images to be used for various purposes.
If considered necessary, the photographer may be assigned to take photos of several climate-related disasters such as flooding, drought, landslides, coastal inundation, and others on incidental basis without APIK’s staff supervision.
The photographer may need to travel to USAID APIK’s working areas (East Java, Maluku, and Southeast Sulawesi). APIK will not provide any tools and/or equipment, the photographer has to bring his/her own camera(s) and other supporting equipment(s). APIK will not be responsible for any incident that may cause loss and/or damage on photographer’s properties.
The photographer will work mainly with APIK’s Communication, Outreach, and Knowledge Management Specialist. During the photoshoot, the photographer also may work with APIK’s regional staffs.
The deliverables for this consultancy are:
  • Raw files of photos
  • Selected and edited hi-resolution photos
The minimum requirement of all photos delivered to APIK is 300dpi resolution.
APIK prefers to have the files manually transferred via external hard drive to ensure no reduction on images quality. Deliverables must be delivered maximum seven (7) days after each photo shoot assignment finished. APIK expect that photo files especially selected photos to have geotagging information.
The timeframe for this consultancy is maximum six months, starting from August 18 to December 31, 2016 with total working days are ten (10) days. Total working days of each photo shoot assignment will be informed later. APIK will inform the schedule for each photo shoot assignment three to seven day prior to assignment date. 
If there are any remaining days by the end date of this consultancy, the agreement may be extended or terminated based on APIK’s needs and consideration. APIK will send notification to consultant regarding extension or termination of agreement at least seven (7) days before the contract end date.
APIK will only be responsible for travel and accommodation costs during assignments period. Payment will be made after invoice and deliverables of each photo shoot assignment are submitted to and accepted by APIK.
email: apik_recruitment@dai.com