
MSI CEGAH Job Vacancy: External IT Support - Jakarta, Indonesian

Request for Quotations
External IT Support
The CEGAH Project, a USAID-funded and Management Systems International-implemented project located in Jakrata, seeks the services of a qualified and experienced IT firm/individual to support MSI’s Jakarta project office IT infrastructure.  The selected firm/individual will be responsible for the oversight of all aspects of IT support for the project office including system installations, maintenance, support and technical consultations. The selected IT service provider is to provide on call, remote desktop, and on site trouble shooting support.  Specifically, the selected service provider will be responsible for:
  • Local network maintenance and installation;
  • LAN connectivity and maintenance;
  • Server and server application maintenance;
  • Computer hardware and application installation, configuration and  maintenance;
  • Set up new users accounts and profiles and resolve password issues;
  • Manage permissions, perform updates and perform backups of company file server;
  • Configure desktop client email setup for employees (MS Outlook); 
  • Respond within agreed time limits to help requests;
  • Provide face-to-face technical support to project staff;
  • Provide remote technical support where required;
  • Troubleshoot system and network problems, diagnose and solve hardware I software recommending replacement of parts;
  • Perform periodic updates of software on project machines including MS Office, MS Windows 7 and 8, antivirus software and others as required.;
  • Monitor and maintain computer systems and networks;
  • Carry out Corporate Image Installations on Laptops and Desktop PCs.;
  • Provide assistance and advise in procurement and evaluation of all technical equipment.
The selected firm/individual must demonstrate:
  • Experience in handling IT management for small to middle size company;
  • Experience in handling Systems Development and / or Applications Support;
  • Experience in handling internet issues and email systems;
  • Experience in handling hardware, software, and database;
  • Responsiveness to periodic and unexpected calls for service;
  • Proactiveness to solve problems and provide solutions;
  • Good command of English (written and spoken);
  • Strong analytical skills, the ability to address complex tasks, and the ability to consistently deliver quality service on a timely basis with successful outcomes.
Period of Performance:  It is anticipated that services will be required for a one-year period with in-office standby service two days per week and on-call as needed.
 Location:  The CEGAH office is located at Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 27 , Kelurahan Karet, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Jakarta (any transportation costs should be factored into your all-inclusive daily rate)

Type of Award: MSI anticipates issuing a “Time and Materials” type of award under which the selected firm/individual will be paid for the authorized hours invoiced.  This is NOT an employment agreement and as such, no employment benefits will be provided.

Selection:  Selection will be made on a “best-value” basis – taking into consideration the firm’s/individual’s all-inclusive hourly rate and the selection criteria below (in descending order of importance):
  • Proposed personnel (please submit cv including salary history);
  • At least three examples of similar work performed in the last five years (include point of contact name, phone, and email address);
  • Any unique characteristics of the firm/individual demonstrating ability to perform work as described above.
Submission: Please send to info@msi-cegah.com before 4:00pm Jakarta time on Monday,  August 01, 2016:
  • A cover letter (including the firm’s/individual’s complete contact address, phone, and email.  Please also include reference “RFQ 610700.01.16.011 IT Services” in your letter;
  • CV of proposed personnel
  • Past performance references and description of work performed, and
  • The all-inclusive hourly rate to be used for the duration of the subcontract.
(Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.)