
APIK Project Vacancy: Gender Assessment in Southeast Sulawesi, Maluku, and East Java

Gender Assessment in Southeast Sulawesi, Maluku, and East Java

USAID’s five year “Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Ketangguhan” (APIK) Project supports the Government of Indonesia to strengthen climate and disaster resilience, working in an integrated manner from the national level down to the regional and community levels.

In support of this overall objective, APIK seeks to:
  • Mainstream climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction into national and sub-national governance frameworks;
  • Build the capacity of local communities and the private sector to address climate change and weather-related natural hazards; and
  • Support the use of information for climate and disaster risk management among key stakeholders.
In achieving APIK’s objective of improving the management of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Indonesia, APIK take into account gender equality and female empowerment. USAID’s initial gender analysis done on the intersection of gender and climate change in Indonesia suggested that many of gender inequalities related to climate change adaptation [and disaster risk reduction] are due to pre-existing inequalities. In this context—to map out the inequalities—gender analysis is required as way to find ways to overcome the situation of inequalities by focusing on how women and men can have meaningful participation in the program so that they will get benefit of the program.

ObjectivesThe objectives to conduct gender assessment are:
  • To map out gender situation in the context of climate change and disaster risk reduction in three provinces, i.e. East Java, Southeast Sulawesi, and Maluku; 
  • To formulate advises for government and private sector on how they should engage with women and men in the context of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction; 
  • To formulate input on how women and men can meaningfully participate in the program and get benefit of the program.
Scope of Work
Consultants will be responsible:
  • To formulate assessment design; 
  • To conduct gender assessment in selected areas and develop report based on the assessment result; 
  • To formulate advises on how government and private sectors should engage with women and men in the context of climate change and disaster risk reduction;
  • To formulate inputs on how to engage with women and men so that they can have meaningful participation in the program and get benefit of the program.
Assignment Schedule
This assignment will be from July - August (34 Mandays)

Consultants will work closely with APIK gender specialist who will be involved in every substantial matter.

  • Experienced in conducting gender study and/or woman study; 
  • Should have networking with economic groups at village level, both men and women group;
  • Should have networking with decision makers at provincial/kabupaten level; 
  • Should have networking with woman/gender organization at provincial level.
Application Instructions:
Interested applicants are invited to send their CV to APIK_recruitment@dai.com. Please send applications no later than 15 July 2016.

Applicants are instructed to write “Gender Assessment – NAME - LOCATION” as the Subject line of their email.

We regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.