
Vacancy Consultant to Conduct the External Evaluation at YAPARI

YAPARI  implements the Program "Reaching for a better future through vocational training, Jakarta", with funding from EMpower – The Emerging Markets Foundation, focusing at at-risk young women teaching them basic computer and entrepreneurship skills. YAPARI was established in 1988 with the mission to help children and adolescents fulfil their rights, gain access to formal and non-formal education, enter the workforce, access quality health care services, as well as influence policy changes that favor children. The NGO works with destitute and neglected children, youth and their families in greater Jakarta, supporting their education, health care, and vocational training.

Yapari is currently looking for:

A consultant to conduct the external evaluation

The overall objectives of the YAPARI training are: Beneficiaries of the program are prepared to:
  • Open their own small businesses (e.g. in computer and printing) and earn decent income
  • Continue the “small shops” set up by the program and earn decent income
  • Take up a decent employment in the formal sector
Some specific objectives of the training program of YAPARI are: Participants:
  • Have increased knowledge of computer skills (computer repair and assembling as well as MS Office and Graphic Design programs skills) and gained basic entrepreneurship skills
  • Are able to print mugs, T-shirts, pins, photos, etc. and to make marketing materials (e.g.leaflets)
The training consists of a theoretical (15 days) and a practical part in a “small shop” (30 days). The “small shops”:
  • Are rented by YAPARI in different communities close to the residence of the trainees, in a clean and safe small business environment. They have an affordable yearly rental rate.
  • Are equipped with program funds with e.g. computer, printer, and printing materials, etc.
  • Are offering the same services, e.g. computer rental and printing services, selling self-printed mugs, pins, T-shirts, photos. etc.
  • Are expected to allow the young women trained to gain practical work experience in the real work context under the supervision of YAPARI linked to what has been trained before
  • Are expected to allow the young women trained to gain broader skills, e.g. deal with costumers, to do marketing activities, to work together with other young women in a team, to practice direct purchase and sale transactions, to do simple bookkeeping, etc.
  • Are also expected to allow the young women to gain more self-confidence or to give them motivation to continue their education.
  • Most importantly, the shops are expected to give a decent income to young women managing the shops after the official program intervention has ended, or via their own business or a job.
Evaluation purpose and objectives

The evaluation will focus on the “shop model”. The overall leading questions are:

Linked to the shops set up with EMpower funds still running or no longer running:
  • How sustainable are the shops set up during the first EMpower grant? 8 shops were set up: How many of them are still operating? How successful? Why do (some) shop which were set up during the 1st grant stop, and what are the reasons?
  • In which way do the shops still running lead to long-term sustainable livelihoods for young women? What is the range of income earned from the shops by the young women running them, and are there variations (by shop, by year)?? Is that income above the minimum salary for Indonesia?
  • What are other “side effects” (positive or negative) of the experience working in shops for young women lives?
  • What are factors of success/challenges for shops still running? What are overall recommendations?
Linked to the “shop model” in general:
  • What are Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of/ for the “shop model”? => See also Annex to this TOR: some elements of a SWOT compiled by YAPARI
  • Is the curriculum linked to entrepreneurship in line with what is needed to run a “small shop” or a small business in general? 
  • What do young women beneficiaries of the program think about the shops?
  • What are lessons learnt, best practices, gaps, and recommendations that can be used in the future programming and can allow to fine-tune, if necessary, the “shop model”.
Linked to young women having set up their own business:
  • What businesses did they open? What is their income/net of costs?
  • How do they assess their preparation, through working in the small shops of the programand/or in participating in the entrepreneurship training, in relation to their preparedness to run their business?
  • What recommendations do they have for either aspect to better prepare future participants to run a business?
Evaluation methodology
Evaluation shall be done amongst:
  • 80 girls from the 1st year EMpower grant (2015), with a special focus on the young women still working in shops currently operating
  • 90 girls from the 2nd year grant (2016), with regards to their general view on the program linked to the entrepreneurship and shop part components
  • Core program implementing team of YAPARI
  • The evaluation mainly will use qualitative research techniques in form of Key Informant Interviews or Focus Group Discussions. Simple interview guidelines for the qualitative interviews with program beneficiaries and key program staff shall be designed.
A Final evaluation report will be handed in and lay out above all: Scope of the Evaluation and Methodology; Results/findings as well as Analysis of Gaps and Challenges; Conclusions, Lessons learned and Recommendations.

Your application
Interested consultants should:
  • Have a strong understanding of programs for youth development
  • Have experience implementing or evaluating programs for at-risk youth
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Desirable: English Proficiency
  • Be available to conduct the evaluation in (late) August or September 2016 (until mid-September latest) in Jakarta (report writing can also be done remotely). Evaluation results and report shall be available until 26th September latest.
Interested consultants shall send an application consisting of the following information:
  • Latest curriculum vitae and an evaluation bid of 2 pages maximum outlining the proposed approach and methodology as well as a budget estimation
  • Evidence of relevant previous experience and names and contact details of 2-3 references with good knowledge of previous relevant work
Application procedure:
  • Interested consultants are requested to send a short note of interest to Mr. Sudanang, upon which the full ToR will be sent
  • Application shall be sent to YAPARI: Mr. Sudanang Dananjaya at sudanangdananjaya@yahoo.com as well as Mr. SH. MH. Kemas ARM at karmsh@gmail.com
  • Deadline for the submission is 26th July 2016.
  • Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
  • Only short listed candidates will be contacted.