Translation Service for Cooperative Development Training Modules
SNV is a partner in the Kemitraan Kesejahteraan Hijau (KeHIJAU) Berbak Partnership - Green Prosperity Project that is funded by the Millennium Challenge Account-Indonesia. The goal of KeHIJAU Berbak and Muaro Jambi is to increase household incomes and reduce GHG emissions from deforestation and peatland degradation through inclusive low carbon economic growth in the Berbak landscape and priority palm oil areas in Muaro Jambi. SNV is particularly engaged in supporting Component 3: Private Sector Commitment and Action
SNV is a partner in the Kemitraan Kesejahteraan Hijau (KeHIJAU) Berbak Partnership - Green Prosperity Project that is funded by the Millennium Challenge Account-Indonesia. The goal of KeHIJAU Berbak and Muaro Jambi is to increase household incomes and reduce GHG emissions from deforestation and peatland degradation through inclusive low carbon economic growth in the Berbak landscape and priority palm oil areas in Muaro Jambi. SNV is particularly engaged in supporting Component 3: Private Sector Commitment and Action
The private sector component aims to ensure that companies operating in the landscape understand the sustainability context and apply relevant policies and practices. This will be achieved by four outputs: (i) Sustainability assessment of oil palm and HPH concessions on peatland, (ii) Incentivizing palm oil mills and timber concessions to adopt sustainability standards, (iii) Regular audits of company performance by local NGOs working in partnership with government and private sector, and (iv) The use of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) for renewable energy.
Activities and deliverables

To maximize efficiency and impact of trainings on GAP and environmental awareness, we work through cooperatives or farmer groups. Organising smallholders in groups is essential to have impact and create economies of scale and facilitate collaboration between smallholders and companies further downstream. It also enables more effective communication on standard operating procedures and allows to work towards group certification.
The translator will work with SNV team, HIT curriculum expert and GAP master trainers to translate the modules in English.
The objective of the translator is to translate all the training materials related to GAP for Palm Oil and rubber for cooperative development.
The translator need to ensure clarity, accuracy and consistency on the translation, particularly for Palm Oil and Rubber terminologies between Bahasa Indonesia and English.
The translator will carry out the following activities and deliver the below services:
- Producing a 100% accurate translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English. Content accuracy includes detailed comparison of content, facts and figures and making sure that there are no omissions from the source; translations and proofreading all footnotes and/or endnotes, captions under photographs, list etc.; accurate exact and agreed upon translation of SNV Indonesia and title; accurate and consistent usage of SNV terminology of GAP (Good Agricultural Practices and BMP (Better Management Practices). The translation documents will consist of nine (9) modules for Palm Oil and Rubber commodities.
- Ensuring Bahasa Indonesia language excellences and proofreading, including excellent Bahasa Indonesia structure, vocabulary, syntax, grammar, and expression which related to the text.
- Ensuring quality check and proofreading of translation; ensuring that there are no typographical errors in the final text.
- The translator is obliged to work with the required deadline and be available to SNV Indonesia for further comments and corrections.
All translated document belong to SNV Indonesia.
Candidate profile
- Minimum of 1 (one) year of professional experience with translation and interpretation, both in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
- Ability to do basic research and analysis in a variety of technical fields related to Palm Oil and Rubber commodities, and/or to become familiar with the technical terminology involved in each subject matter field, is required.
- Written and verbal fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia is required.
- Technical and/or specialized terms unique to Palm oil and Rubber sector in English and Bahasa Indonesia, and the ability to use proper terminologies, idiomatic phrasing, syntactical structure, and use of words to reflect the meaning of the original document is critical.
Timing & Duty station
The contract will be started on early July 2016
The output will be all the documents (modules: trainer guide and trainee guide) and also power point translated from Bahasa Indonesia to English.
It is estimated that the translation will cover 200 pages of modules and additional 250 pages of slides. The number of pages are flexible and can be change due to the original documents.
How to apply
Please send your resume and sample of translation to by June 26th 2016 at the latest with subject: "Translator for Cooperative Development Training Modules"
Only short listed application will be contacted by SNV.