
MCA - Indonesia Job Vacancy: Grants Specialist - Jakarta, Indonesian

Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia) is a trustee institution that represents the Government of Indonesia to implement a five-year (2013-2018) Millennium Challenge Corporation's Compact Program, a major pillar of the United States-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership and the largest single pledge made by the United States to Indonesia to date.

MCA-Indonesia has three projects under Compact Program: Green Prosperity, Community-based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting and Procurement Modernization. Our projects are designed, managed and implemented by Indonesians, for the Indonesian people. Our most important development work happens where it should be: the districts and the villages.

Our goal is to reduce poverty through economic growth. Our program is country-driven, reform-centered, and results-focused in order to maximize its effectiveness and long-term sustainability.

To reach the goal, MCA-Indonesia is seeking highly dynamic and deliverable-oriented professionals for a better Indonesia:


The Specialist will assist and advise of all aspect of the grant management process and financial oversight of the grants. This responsibilities will include:
  • Assist in reviewing relevant proposed project/program and relevant budget
  • As directed by the Grant Manager, assist the Project/Technical teams (Associate Directors/Managers) in ensuring performance measurement.
  • Work with the Grant Management Team [GMT] in structuring payment schedule against project milestones/deliverables.
  • Administer grant disbursement requests for payment
  • Assist in reviewing grants settlements
  • Ensuring compliance with MCC’s, MCA-Indonesia’s policies/rules and any other existing regulations
Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Assist in administration of the full cycle of grants management which includes management of the solicitation process, pre-award assessment’s, negotiation, issuance of the sub award, monitoring and compliance visits and close-out procedures.
  • Work by MCC’s Fiscal Accountability Plan and Cost principles, and GP’s grant operations manual(s) that outlines relevant policies and procedures for implementing the financial management of the grant.
  • Along with the GMT, work with the GP’s Director and Associate Directors (ADs)/Managers, GPM and Project Management Consultants [PMC] to develop and coordinate a sound, GP-wide grant investment strategy and monitor the performance and risk profile of the entire grant investment portfolio across the renewable energy, sustainable agriculture and forestry and natural resource management (NRM) sectors.
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