
Oxfam Job Consultant: Documenting & Analysing Land Conflict Cases - North Sumatera, Central Sulawesi & Bengkulu

OXFAM: who are we?
Oxfam is a leading aid, development and campaigning not-for-profit organisation with a world-wide reputation for excellence and over 60 years’ experience working in Indonesia. Our purpose is to work with others to overcome suffering and find lasting solutions to poverty.

Currently we are looking for Consultant for documenting and analysing land conflict cases

BackgroundOxfam in Indonesia has been implementing a project since 2014 named “Securing land rights of local communities and setting the agenda for decent work in the palm oil sector”. The overall objective of this project is to contribute to securing land rights and labour rights of Indonesian communities affected by the palm oil sector. Over the years the expansion of palm oil plantations in Indonesia has gone hand in hand with land grabbing from local (indigenous) communities resulting in over 3,500 conflicts   of which the majority remains without remedy. The loss of land has lead to both economic and social problems for (indigenous) communities leading to decreased food security, lower income and social destabilisation. Women’s land rights are hardly taken into account. Many community members who lost their lands to palm oil plantations had no other choice than to become labourers on the palm oil plantations, working under poor labour conditions, often severely marginalising their socio-economic position. Amongst others, palm oil labourers experience that their rights to organise are hindered by companies, they face poor safety and health conditions especially for women, low payments (below minimum wage) and inequality of payments between men and women.

One of crucial activity within the project is to analyse and document 5 land rights conflict cases and formulate recommendations to access remedy at national and/or international level. At the beginning, the activity should be conducted by partner by mid project year. However, due to any potential more delay implementation, Oxfam in Indonesia initiated to take over the activity by hiring consultant(s) to achieve this target.

PurposeThe consultant recruitment aim is to get good documentation for learning from project implementation with regard land conflict cases advocacy.

Expected output of the consultantThe consultant is expected to deliver the following outputs:

The research report should be covering on three main issues:
  • Description and analysis on five land conflict cases (in North Sumatera, Central Sulawesi and Bengkulu);
  • Critical point of view on the effectivity of project intervention and the impact;
  • Recommendations for land conflict advocacy project improvement.
These activities will be conducted for 20 days, start from May 23rd – June 11th 2016

  • Have a wide knowledge on land conflict area
  • Fluent in both oral and writing in english
  • Extensive experience in various research methods and analytical framework on land conflict
  • Have a strong experience and skill on documentation and produce report in English
  • Extensive experience in community based research
  • Willing to travel to remote area
How to apply
If you believe you are the consultant candidate we are looking for please submit your proposal including CV, professional fee and all out of pocket expenses to Jakarta[at]oxfam.org.uk and please state Consultant Documenting and Analysing Land Conflict on the subject of your email.

Latest date for application will be on  May 17th, 2016

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted

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