
Nova Casa Fresca Job Vacancy: Agriculture Expert – Greenhouse Management, Dili - Timor Leste

Job Description

The broad objective of the assignment is to assist NCF training its field staff on horticulture cultivation and information dissemination techniques.

Responsibilities of the Agricultural
Expert for Greenhouse Management

The assignment will involve field work to guide and assist farmers group to produce more types of vegetables to supply high end market in Dili. Assisting producers by providing them with new production techniques, especially focus on producing vegetables product on continuity basis.

The agricultural expert assignment will cover the following, but not be limited to, topics such as:
  • Appropriate cultivation techniques for selected vegetable varieties;
  • Identification of vegetables and its season. Identification of quality agricultural inputs such as seeds, micro-irrigation equipment etcetera in support of cultivation of a selected variety of vegetables;
  • Training field staff of NCF on providing cultivation information and to NCF farmers;
  • Organising cultivation and collection schedules in line with demand and delivery schedules to supermarkets;
  • Accompany field staff to demonstrate provision of information to farmers;
  • Training field staff of NCF on managing greenhouse facilities, including topics on space allocation, planting, watering, preparing growth media and soil mixes, fertilization, insect and disease control, and establishing and monitoring plant growth environment; and Maintain greenhouse file and record.
  • Submit guideline of general cultivation techniques for selected vegetables varieties under nursery and green house to producer group and NCF.
  • Submit and recommend list of quality agricultural input for cultivation of selected variety vegetables;
  • Deliver training in land preparation for indoor production under greenhouse;
  • Deliver training in nursery and seedling preparation and transplanting seedlings
  • Deliver training in greenhouse technical operation, including space allocation, planting, water management, growth media and soil, fertilization, insect and disease control, monitoring plant growth environment
  • Deliver training for outdoor production
  • Deliver training in harvest and post-harvest handling
  • Document protocols for greenhouse production and management systems
  • Write up guideline on group management,
All reports and presentations shall be written in English and in Tetum and submitted to NCF within a reasonable time frame as specified by the consultancy agreement. All the documents are to be submitted to NCF office in Timor-Leste. The consultant is also expected to submit timesheets for each month under the assignment period.

BenefitsMonthly fee 

Job RequirementsNCF requires that Agriculture Expert will contribute in a demonstrable manner to the development of knowledge, approaches, methods and techniques. He/she must actively contribute to sharing her/his knowledge with partner and farmers. The ideal candidate must meet the following requirement:
  • Hold at least a degree in agriculture, horticulture, soil/earth sciences, crop/plant science. Most preferably a relevant postgraduate qualification in horticulture related study.
  • At least 5 years of professional experience in the field of horticulture
  • Must have a proven track record of successful implementation on horticulture projects in ASEAN countries
  • Have experience in the design and delivery of trainings in the horticulture projects
  • Experience working closely with counterparts and providing capacity building for rural farmers.
  • Ability to adjust working from remote areas.
  • Excellent knowledge on agricultural/horticulture inputs and the most recent vegetables varieties
  • Excellent organizational and project management skills.
  • Strong leadership and people-management skill.
  • Good written and verbal communications skills in English, and Tetum or Bahasa Indonesia.
How to ApplyPlease submit a CV and Cover Letter describing your experiences, understanding of the ToR and how and why you or your institution is most appropriate to perform this task, to: casafrescanova@gmail.com and maria.dosreis@CardnoMDF.org - Closing Date: 13 May 2016