
MAMPU Project Job Vacancy: Partners Financial Management, Jakarta

MAMPU Sub - Partners Financial Management

MAMPU will engage an appropriately qualified organisation as ‘Facilitation Service Provider’ to contribute to the following objective:

MAMPU will support Sub-Partners to improve financial literacy and become more effective at control over finances, financial management and service delivery performance at the Sub-Partner level. Although the focus is to support sub-partners, in the event that a national partner would benefit from additional strengthening in this area they will also be included.

MAMPU would like to invite interested consultants to submit a proposal for the RFQ: MAMPU Sub-Partners Financial Management. Link to the RFQ can be found below.

Click on the following link below to see more details

Sincerely yours,

MAMPU Procurement 

Australian Aid – Managed by Cowater International Inc. on behalf of The Australian Government
MAMPU - Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty Reduction
Setiabudi Atrium, 3rd Floor,  Suite 306  Jl HR Rasuna Said, Kav 62, Jakarta  12920   INDONESIA