
IBCSD Seeks Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant for Conflict Resolution Unit - Jakarta

Conflict Resolution Unit (CRU) is the outcome of an initiative from the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), given its members commitment to improving their conflict resolution efforts.  CRU is committed to provide support for mediation of land use and natural resource management conflicts.

While CRU was initiated under the auspices of KADIN, CRU is a project that has received a grant from the UK Climate Change Unit.  The grant to establish CRU is administered by the Indonesian Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD).

CRU vision is to be the leading independent services for land-use and natural resources management conflicts.

CRU does not directly mediate conflicts, but provides a range of support for mediation processes to ensure that the processes are done according to best practices. CRU is developing a national referral system that includes a data base of mediators, through which parties in conflict can refer their cases and select neutral and skilled mediators accepted by all parties.

CRU works to raise awareness about mediation best-practices, and provide supports training and capacity building for mediators, company managers, CSOs, local communities, government officials, and the public.

CRU also conducts research related to land use and natural resource conflicts, to provide greater information and insight necessary for the resolution of these conflicts in Indonesia. 

Description of the Assignment

Overall objective and purpose
The overall objective of the assignment is the establishment of an operational monitoring and evaluation system for the project. The purpose is to provide the project coordination with tools to effectively monitor project progress and achievement, and to provide mid-term and end-of-project evaluations with sufficient information to assess the project’s success.

Specific objectives
The objectives of this contract are:
  • To formulate a set of relevant, simple and straightforward indicators to monitor the project outputs listed above.
  • To identify sources of verification.
  • To produce operational means.
  • To produce an operational manual.
Scope of Works
The consultancy aims at developing an M&E system for the project. The Consultant will assist the Project in reviewing M&E needs and establishing necessary practical procedures and measures in order to operationalize M&E (data collection and processing). The consultant is expected to design a practical M&E system with regard to the following key aspects:
  • What needs to be measured?
  • What is the most appropriate source of information that needs to be collected?
  • How to collect the information and how often?
  • How to store and analyze data?
The Consultant is expected to:
  • Study the relevant project documents (including but not limited to the project document, provisional workplan, first annual workplan, budget), review and revise the logframe and results matrix, and revise the indicators if necessary.
  • Review the M&E needs and plans of the project, and extract relevant indicators to monitor the project outputs listed above. The set of indicators to use needs to be simple and straightforward. The assessment should involve project staff and key project partners.
  • Develop Monitoring Framework of CRU Project and create indicator reference sheets.
  • Develop survey instruments and methodology including baseline survey, end line survey, activity implementation monitoring survey and any other instruments that are relevant to CRU Project.
  • Develop Project Monitoring Plan, Project Evaluations Plan (monthly, quarterly, annually and end-line), and Project Data Review Plan
  • Establish data collection and reporting forms for capturing quantitative and qualitative information.
  • Identify sources of verification that the project can use.
  • Design simple means of registering information.
  • Design simple ways and means to store such information and the pathways for dissemination of that information.
  • Produce a manual that includes the above and guides project coordination in processing and evaluating the information.
Timing and logistics
Expected start/end dates, number of workdays: 1 – 30 June 2016

A tentative schedule is:
Day 1 – 15 First input: identifying sources and indicators
Day 16 – 30 Second input: operationalization and design of means

The project will not provide any office space. The Consultant is expected to work remotely, but there will be 4 coordination meetings throughout the consultancy. The main working languages are Indonesian and English. The Consultant is expected to write the reports in English.

Expected outputs Required completion date
  • M&E framework that sets out project M&E needs and lists project M&E indicators
  • Baseline survey designs At the end of the first input (Day 15)
  • Means to operationalize project M&E
  • The project’s M&E system is developed At the end of assignment (Day 30)
Applicant will propose a budget which cover all evaluation activities including travel cost (see the scope of works). 


Academic Qualifications:
  • The expert must have a postgraduate degree in natural resource management, conflict studies, or equivalent.
Technical Competencies and Experience Requirements:
Minimum requirements:
  • She/he should have a minimum of five years of experience working in development projects.
  • At least five years of experience in monitoring and evaluation, particularly in the context of agrarian and/or natural resource management projects.
  • Knowledge of and experienced in project cycle management and well versed in logical frameworks.
  • She/he should be fluent in English and Indonesian.
Desired skills and experience:
  • Previous experience with M&E for UKCCU funded projects.
  • Experience in agrarian and natural resource management conflicts is an advantage.
To apply:
Applications will be accepted from both individuals and firms.

Applicants must send their proposal and CV that clearly elucidate the required and desired competencies to: febri@ibcsd.or.id

The deadline for applications is 23 May 2016.