- Based in Mataram and province wide in Nusa Tenggara Barat
- Position open to Indonesian Nationals only
AECOM Services Pty Ltd (formerly
URS Australia Pty Ltd) is the managing contractor of the Project Implementation
Unit Consultant (PIUC) under Provincial Road Improvement and Maintenance (PRIM)
Project, an Australian Government funded project. The objective of PIUC is to
provide support to the Program Implementation Unit (PIU) in Nusa Tenggara Barat
(NTB) in implementing the pilot program, carry out training and institutional
strengthening, and provide institutional support to the maintenance works
program for Phase 1, including engineering designs and bid documents.
We are seeking expressions of
interest from Training Specialist
who will take charge of PRIM training needs, and work with PIUC team members
and externally resourced consultants as required to prepare, document,
schedule, organize, implement and evaluate all PRIM 2016 training and capacity
building activities including those activities already identified and any that
may arise in relation to future demand. The position includes responsibility
for assisting PRIM team with identification of training needs, preparation of
presentations and training materials, and assisting with organization and
delivery of training and capacity building activities. The ideal candidates
would have experience as a trainer preferably in the engineering sector and
must have the ability to work independently with minimal direction. This
position reports directly to the Capacity Building Manager/Deputy Team Leader
and/or as delegated to the Team Leader
The following are the duties and responsibilities of the Training
Specialist (National):
Team role
- Active participation in team member induction (scope, operating procedures, social behaviour)
- Being an active team participant (team culture, work planning for the role, performance, compliance, reporting)
- Contribution to overall team planning (input review and planning, skills planning)
- Coordination with other team members, especially road engineering, routine maintenance planning and role of RTTF in advocacy
- Responsible for all agreed role outputs (scope, timing, delivery, quality of output)

Stakeholder Liaison and
- Communications and reporting (meetings, reports, other contacts to agreed frequency and need)
Outputs to achieve Program
- Annual training plan including all training required in the relevant calendar year
- Appropriate classroom theory based training programs Clear articulation of planned road maintenance outcomes to team and stakeholders
- Strong persuasive advocacy with all stakeholders for planned program outcomes
- Providing professional support in managing and/or delivering effective training (advocacy measures, training delivery, identifying and managing effective third party training providers)
- As required, supporting demonstration activities to promote improved delivery of routine maintenance tasks
PIUC Contract Management
- Contributing to reporting requirements as specified in head contract.
- Maintaining records of all training activities according to PRIM requirements
Essential Qualifications
- Extensive experience in design, preparation and delivery of capacity building training programs for international development programs in Indonesia. Preferably with a background in building capacity for road works, maintenance supervision and management.
- At least 10 years of progressive experience in training design and delivery in Indonesia.
- Ability to communicate effectively in English would be highly regarded, excellent communications skills in Bahasa Indonesia are essential.
Core Competencies
- Ability to communicate with and influence national professionals, managers and worksite implementers
- Ability to accurately describe technical tasks in road maintenance and supervision
- Ability to participate in a multi-skilled professional team for collective good
- Ability to write quality reports, discussion papers, memos, briefing notes etc.
- Ability and desire to facilitate participative discussions and planning.
- Ability to engage and partner with community groups.
- Committed to sound practices in occupational health and safety.
- Understanding of cross-cutting issues including child protection, gender equality and fraud.
Personal Attributes
- Organized, disciplined and high attention to detail.
- Culturally sensitive.
- Commitment to gender equality and social inclusion.
- Initiative – self-starter.
- Ability to work under pressure.
To apply, please visit our website at DETAIL INFORMATION and enter the job code 767
Your application will need to include:
- A cover letter and signed CV, including a declaration that the information provided is true and correct.
- Names and contact details of two referees.
- Please be advised that the successful applicants will be required to undertake a police clearance
Applications close Sunday, 5th
June 2016 midnight Australian Central Time
AECOM Services Pty Ltd is an equal opportunity employer of choice and
is committed to child protection.
Women are encouraged to apply
Australian Aid—managed by AECOM Services Pty Ltd
on behalf of Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (IndII)