Vulnerability Assessment Consultant
works at the cutting edge of international development, combining
technical excellence, professional project management, and exceptional
customer service to solve our clients’ most complex problems. Since
1970, DAI has worked in 150 developing and transition countries,
providing comprehensive development solutions in areas including crisis
mitigation and stability operations, democratic governance and public
sector management, agriculture and agribusiness, private sector
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influenza control, water and natural resources management, and energy
and climate change.
DAI seeks Vulnerability Assesment Consultant for a 5-year, $19 million USAID funded
“Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Ketangguhan (APIK)” Project. The purpose of APIK is to support the Government of Indonesia to strengthen climate and disaster resilience, working in an integrated manner from the national level down to the community level. APIK will help to mainstream climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction into national and subnational governance frameworks, build the capacity of local communities and the private sector to address climate change and weather-related natural hazards, and support the use of information for climate and disaster risk management among key stakeholders.
“Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Ketangguhan (APIK)” Project. The purpose of APIK is to support the Government of Indonesia to strengthen climate and disaster resilience, working in an integrated manner from the national level down to the community level. APIK will help to mainstream climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction into national and subnational governance frameworks, build the capacity of local communities and the private sector to address climate change and weather-related natural hazards, and support the use of information for climate and disaster risk management among key stakeholders.
initiate activities both in local government and communities level, an
assessment to identify community and landscape capacity and
vulnerability is needed. Vulnerability Assessment (VA) should consider
the integration of CCA and DRR in its process. Before initiate
Vulnerability Assessment process, an assessment on existing DRR/CCA
Vulnerability Assessment guidelines, tools, and reports is needed. The
compilation and overview of those existing documents will be useful to
decide the most suitable VA tools as well as recommendation to modify
existing tools.
The location for this position is Jakarta, Indonesia.
The period of this assignment is 15 working days.
Summary of Primary Duties

Vulnerability Assessment Consultant will report to Community-Based Climate Change Advisor
Essential Duties
- Search, identify, compile and analyze existing VA documents, reports, tools, guidelines produced by other organizations/agencies that may include both CCA and DRR in the VA process.
- Identified the potential approaches to modify the tool that could integrate CCA & DRR.
- Write a draft of findings, analysis result and recommendation of suitable VA tools.
- Lead FGD to get input on the draft document.
- Produce a final report consists of findings, analysis and recommendation of modification on CCA/DRR related Vulnerability Assessment tools.
- At least 7 years of experiences in CCA and/or DRR projects. Academia is preferred.
- Demonstrated knowledge of climate variability and change and/or disaster risk management.
- At least 5 years experiences working in vulnerability assessment both in community and government
- Demonstrated good analytical skill
- Strong English writing skills
Interested applicants are invited to send their CV to Please send applications not later than 27 April 2016 COB. Applicants are instructed to write “Vulnerability Assessment Consultant Application – NAME” as the Subject line of their email. We regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.