
CARE International Indonesia Job Vacancy: Mapping & Assessment Consultant - DKI Jakarta

CARE International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and enterprise & economic development. 

CARE International Indonesia in Head Quarter Office-Jakarta is currently recruiting the following position for its project:


The Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement (P.A.C.E.) in River Side Communities project is design to support predominantly women and youth members of poor communities who live at the river banks in Jakarta. The project will emphasize on soft skills capacity building for the target group using the well tested module. However, the module will be adapted and linked to existing needs and development plans of a river side community in Jakarta.

CII believes that this pilot can become a “good practice” to showcase that Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement (P.A.C.E.) of women and youth can be combined with urban community development programming. CII is looking forward to demonstrate that the P.A.C.E. basic modules can be integrated into the urban resilient program, and can provide women and youth a more prominent role in community building urban resilience.

CII and MURIA platform stakeholders have identified that the two programs complement each other in the following ways:
  • The P.A.C.E. program supports women and youth to obtain resources (time, finance) that can be used for the planned interventions; 
  • The P.A.C.E. program provides skills (communication, problem solving and decision making, time and stress management and financial literacy) that empower women and youth to be more effectively involved in the MURIA platform;
Mapping and Needs Assessment will be identifying a number of issues in selected river bank areas that need to be addressed to improve their resilience and capacity in four major areas.
  • Map and assess on current practices and capacity of women and youth in four majors; 
  • Analyze the needs to ensure it will be able to be covered on the capacity building sessions, and;
  • Use and feed the information for training module refinement and adjustment.
Through the project CII will conduct a mapping and need assessment to understand the needs of the community especially women and youth, and map out current practices and capacity.

A Mapping and Needs Assessment report (in Bahasa and English) will complement CII in P.A.C.E training module refinement.

Mapping and need assessment will include questions will allow us to:
  • Understand the communication practice and skills and the need to improve it; 
  • Understand problem solving capacity and mechanism in women and young people daily live and how it affected their future; 
  • Understand how the women manage their time and cope stress in their daily life;
  • Understand the roles of women and young people in daily live (family and community), problems faced and the need to improve it;
  • Understand the gender construction in the community; how it impacts on women and young people in four key areas (Communication, Problem Solving & Decision Making, Time & Stress Management and Financial Literacy); 
  • Examines current financial practices, product and preference among women and youth.
The mapping and need assessment will be conducted in DKI Jakarta.

This consultancy is anticipated to be started in April 2016.

Mapping & Need Assessment
 April 2016
  • Design mapping and need assessment instruments; 
  • Field activities:  4 FGDs and 20 IDI with representative of women and youth; 
  • Writing Mapping & Need Assessment Report;
  • Recommendation for module development on four key areas; Communication, Problem Solving & Decision Making, Time & Stress Management and Financial Literacy.

The research will be carried out by individual or a consultant firm. The consultant will be responsible to conduct desk review on existing module, develop research design, instruments, data collection, report and recommendation on content of module refinement and adjustment.

The consultant should have the following qualification:
  • Technical expertise in conducting mapping and need assessment; 
  • Demonstrated excellent skills and sound research design both qualitative and quantitative; 
  • Ability to organize and facilitate individual interview and group discussion; 
  • Demonstrate excellent skills in reviewing training module and preferably experience in module development/writing;
  • Knowledge on soft skills, including on Communication, Problem Solving & Decision Making, Time & Stress Management and Financial Literacy;
  • At least 3 years experience with working for conducting mapping and need assessment especially for women and youth programming; 
  • Have Indonesian nationality.
Interested applicant must submit the following documentation:
  • Comprehensive curriculum vitae of individual/team members involve in the activities. 
  • A detailed implementation plan/technical proposal in accordance with the scope of work, expected outputs and deliverables provided for herein. 
  • Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs i.e. consultancy fee, ect.
Please submit before April 07, 2016 to CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit: recruit_860@careind.or.id

"Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted"