
Lowongan Gender and Trade Survey - Jakarta, Indonesian

Purpose of the gender and trade survey

SMEs are a key growth engine of the Indonesian economy. Women are significant economic contributors to SMEs, yet the absence of disaggregated data has resulted in limited understanding of the barriers they face as owners and managers, particularly relating to building export capacity. The TPSA Gender and Trade Survey will identify and analyze barriers and opportunities to increasing exports for SMEs in three priority industries, from the perspective of the women and men who own and operate those businesses. The challenges may relate to: access to trade information and business services; sourcing inputs; accessing financing; arrangements with intermediaries; trade-related constraints or non-tariff measures; and, administrative regulation. Survey results will highlight the most significant challenges and also shed light on how men- and women-owned businesses are attempting to address these challenges. Regarding opportunities, the survey will ask about the SMEs’ growth and expansion plans.

Priority industries

TPSA will select three priority industries where it will provide technical assistance throughout the life of the project. The industries are selected according to their competitiveness, product viability in the Canadian market, as well as sustainability factors relating to capacity for poverty reduction, environmental responsibility and gender equality. The three industries will be confirmed in April 2016 from the following shortlist for which current market intelligence has been produced: Coffee, Pepper, Coconut/Palm Sugar, Coconut Oil/Copra, Apparel, Wooden Furniture, and Footwear.

Non-Survey Instruments (NSI)

To support a deeper understanding of some survey findings where there are significant differences between the perspectives of men and women, the TPSA gender team will develop and carry out a set of Non-Survey Instruments (NSI), such as focus groups, time-use studies, and case study assessments. These qualitative methods will target women-owned businesses, women employees, and select trade support institutions or NGOs that provide services to SMEs. Qualitative methods are intrinsic to gender analysis methodology, and NSI findings will provide illustrations for key survey findings.

The Survey Audience

The survey will be of interest to government officials, business associations, and SMEs (including women and social entrepreneurs), as well as academics and non-governmental organizations. From the perspective of the TPSA project, the survey will supply gender-sensitive baseline data.

The survey population

The survey population is comprised of export-ready and near-export ready SMEs (owned and operated by men or women) in key clusters of the three priority industries. An
additional group of informal entities will also be identified, in order to better understand what holds this group back.

The stakeholders

The TPSA project team will consult with the Ministry of Trade, industry business associations, and government agencies with line authority to develop, implement, and analyze the survey. During data collection in the field, key informants from district government and business will provide their input. TPSA will constitute an ad hoc dialogue group on gender to provide input to survey questions and help contextualize results.

About the Expression of Interest

Description of Requirements

The Trade and Private Sector Assistance Project (TPSA) seeks a qualified research institute to design and implement the Gender and Trade Survey. Prospective institutes must:
  • be registered in Indonesia understand the nature and context of Indonesian SMEs and have experience developing and implementing industry surveys with statistically significant results
  • be familiar with gender-sensitive survey methodology, including gender analysis
  • Have carried out survey work of a similar nature and complexity within the past five years
  • Be able to write in English
  • Be available during the Period of Assignment   

Period of Assignment: 

April – September 2016 

Location of Assignment: 

Multiple locations within Indonesia

Submission details

In replying to this Expression of Interest, please submit a covering letter addressing the items listed in the Description of Requirements to tpsa.survey@yahoo.com. A corporate profile and relevant references may be included. All Expressions of Interest must be received by March 28, 2016. Qualified institutes will be invited for a discussion in Jakarta in April 2016.