
KOMPAK Job Vacancy: Landasan Phase II, Papua Region


KOMPAK is an innovative, demand-driven program that supports the Government of Indonesia in its efforts to reduce poverty and inequality. Supported by the Australia Indonesia Partnership, KOMPAK supports the Government of Indonesia’s poverty reduction agenda to improve the quality of and to increase access to health, education, legal identity services, basic infrastructure and to increase job opportunities for the poor.

KOMPAK is issuing this Expression of Interest with a view to shortlisting experienced organisations to implement Phase II of the LANDASAN Program. The activity aims to assist KOMPAK in its efforts to support the Government of Indonesia in improving the capacity of districts, sub-districts, frontline service units and villages in delivering local services in the Papua Region. 

Eligible proposals should include all associated schedules described in the EOI documentation.

The EOI document can be found at: HERE

Please send your completed submission to tender@kompak.or.id.

The closing date for all Expression of Interests is no later than Monday, 25 April 2016 at 4pm WIB.

Thank you and Best Regards,

KOMPAK Tender Team