Kerja.. what??
Kerjabilitas is a job platform developed specifically for persons with disabilities. It aims to reach out, support and place persons with disabilities to jobs. We combine job matching technology and negotiation skills to improve employability of persons with disabilities and employer’s accessibility. Kerjabilitas has more than 2,000 active users. We are funded and accelerated by Ford Foundation and Google.
Ok, but how is work there?
Kerjabilitas was made by 10 young passionate people. We believe that technology can solve social and environmental problems, but we also believe that good cause alone will never be enough, we have to do it right. Right means professional, innovative and entrepreneurial driven. We are extremely focused on results, but know that people work better in different ways. Everyone has it own way to behave and to express themselves, and we embrace this. And, we love good laughs!
So, what does a Program Coordinator do?
You will manage the job matching program and that includes reaching out job seekers and employers, provide supports and place them. You KPI depends on how many job placement and employer converted from exclusive into inclusive. The job description would be to plan, implement and provide report on the job matching activities to Program Manager. But.. we really don’t believe in job descriptions. So, you should be expecting to help us grow by doing not only the things listed in your job description, but things need to be done.
What should I have to apply?
We are looking for people that love project management and communities!
Things I should have:
- Graduation in development study, social science, marketing communication, business management
- No less than 3 years experience as project officer, marketing communication or business consultant
- Advanced English
- Although we like qualified people, we also like those who love what they’re doing and learned from it. So, non grad is also encouraged to apply!

Things that are nice to have:
- Experience as entrepreneur
- Experience in working with persons with disabilities community
How do I apply?
Please, send us an email to with the Subject “ <Your Name> – Program Coordinator”.
Please, send us an email to with the Subject “ <Your Name> – Program Coordinator”.
Be sure to attach:
- Your resume and LinkedIn
- One paragraph in English with maximum 800 characters telling us:
- Why would you like to work with us
- Why are you perfect for the position
Equal Employment Opportunity
We’re proud to be an equal opportunity employer – and celebrate our employees’ differences, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age and disability. Different makes us better.
We’re proud to be an equal opportunity employer – and celebrate our employees’ differences, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age and disability. Different makes us better.
Deadline: 1 April 2016
PS: A compensation offer will be made after the interviewing process.