
Land Equity International Job Vacancies: Regional Spatial Planner - Sumba, Jambi or Lombok

Land Equity International Job Vacancies 2016

In late 2008, Indonesia was selected by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Board of Directors as a country eligible for a compact. The Government of Indonesia (GoI; through the National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS)), is now responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of the Compact (Millennium Challenge Account (MCA)), which covers three key programs, one of which is the Green Prosperity (GP) Project. The Compact implements gender activities, environmental assessments, and social assessments to support program implementation.

Projects such as these respond to constraints to economic growth and are priorities in the GoI’s national development strategy. The GoI has also made a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26 percent by 2020, while maintaining a target of seven percent annual economic growth.

Project description

The GP Project consists of the following four procurement activities:
  • Participatory Land Use Planning Activity (PLUP)
  • Technical Assistance and Oversight Activity
  • GP Facility Activity, and
  • Green Knowledge Activity.
The PLUP focuses on:
  • Updating and integrating land and other natural resource uses, including – Inventories of existing and pending licenses for land and natural resource use
  • Technical assistance to relevant government agencies (to assist them to integrate and administer spatial data to improve their ability to conduct transparent licensing and determine the most effective land use and investments) and to the public, and
  • Enhancing district/provincial spatial plans.
  • The work is undertaken in nine districts in three provinces. These locations have been identified as areas with the highest potential for achieving poverty alleviation and environmental objectives.
The locations are:
  • Kerinci and Tanjung Jabung Timur districts (Jambi Province)
  • Lombok Utara, Lombok Tengah and Lombok Timur districts (Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) Province),
  • Sumba Timur, Sumba Tengah, Sumba Barat and Sumba Barat Daya districts (Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) Province).
The project comprises three tasks (Tasks 2, 3 and 4):
  • Task 2: Acquisition of geo-spatial data and preparation of geographic information system (GIS) databases of land use/land cover
  • Task 3: Compilation and geo-referencing of existing and pending licenses and permits for land and natural resource use, and
  • Task 4: Enhancing district spatial plans through capacity building in spatial planning, enforcement, and management of land use information in spatially-enabled databases.
Specifically, Task 4 provides the framework and infrastructure for government and community to access the data collected in Tasks 2 and 3, building the capacity to not only sustain the data systems established but to support ongoing use of the data for informed decision-making and evidence-based policy. This Task conducts a user needs assessment of hardware and software (GIS and database), capacity, and essential infrastructure (electricity, IT and internet, other infrastructure) to inform the design and implementation of the Information Management System (IMS). Improved transparency through a streamlined procedure for issuing licenses and permits within the existing regulatory framework will be developed, considering the experience in the districts with “one-stop-shops”, data and information sharing, and existing practices for community consultation and public access to permit and license information. Capacity building within government entities alongside community stakeholders is a core component of developing the IMS and training will be provided to all stakeholders, including the community and civil society. Task 4 will also consider how the improved information and systems might be applied to better produce and maintain spatial plans in the districts and detailed spatial plans in the subdistricts (Kecamatan).

Position: Regional Spatial Planner

Position Summary: Conduct activities to support the improvement of district-level spatial plans and capacity building of district staff in districts in Lombok (3), Sumba (4), or Jambi (2).

Reporting to: Senior Spatial Planner in Jakarta

  • Assess the current status of district spatial planning in general
  • Analyze the spatial planning stages in the 9 districts
  • Assess the quality, implementation and enforcement of the spatial plans
  • Support district staff to improve spatial planning at each district
  • Incorporate land use and other spatial data into district spatial plans
  • Supervise project spatial planners deployed to each district
  • Recommend key indicators for monitoring spatial planning implementation and enforcement
  • Report on spatial planning activities
  • Provide information to LEI’s Head Office, as required
  • Bachelor degree in relevant discipline
  • At least seven (3) years’ experience supporting the development of spatial plans (RTRW, RDTR)
  • Project and team management experience
  • Knowledge spatial planning process and regulations in Indonesia
  • Experience supporting arrange of stakeholders – district and provincial governments, NGOs/CSOs
  • Training and capacity building related to spatial planning
  • Knowledge of GIS and spatial data
  • Competent using MS products (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
  • Able to work with minimal supervision and under pressure
  • Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia
  • Good understanding of English desirable
Location: Sumba, Jambi or Lombok

Duration: up to 10 months (full-time), commencing 1 March 2016

Application: Email complete CV in English to owang@landequity.com.au