
KSI Indonesia Call For Proposal: Philanthropy Study - Indonesian


The Australia Indonesia Partnership has recently launched an initiative for ‘Australia Indonesia Partnership for Pro Poor Policies: The Knowledge Sector Initiative’ (henceforth: KSI). The program is intended to support Indonesia in developing its “knowledge sector” – the institutional landscape of government, private sector, and civil society organisations that provide research and analysis to support the development of public policy. The program design is underpinned by broad-based consultations and analysis, undertaken in close consultation with reformers in Indonesia’s National Ministry for Development Planning.

While KSI has commissioned a series of diagnostics on the nature of the knowledge sector in Indonesia to inform the Knowledge Sector Program, the nature of philanthropy engagement in Indonesia’s knowledge sector is still an area that is not fully understood. Specifically, the role of the philanthropy as financier and supplier of research for social development policy in Indonesia is an area unexplored to date.

KSI calls organization or/and public research institutes to submit their proposal to commission the study. As such, the assignment will provide a mapping of the philanthropy actors actively investing in research in Indonesia, an analysis of incentives and disincentives for the philanthropy to invest and carry-out research, and provide strategic recommendations on engaging the philanthropy, with specific reference to the knowledge sector Program Design Document. Understanding the nature of private sector engagement with research in Indonesia will enrich the program with alternatives and ideas of how to further expand or foster cooperation among multiple stakeholders in Indonesia’s knowledge sector.

I.                    Objectives

1.          Conduct an analytical review on the role of philanthropies in Indonesia’s knowledge sector in terms of research financing and cooperation with research organization or other non-profit organizations, including:
-          A mapping of the actors in the philanthropies that actively procure research, carries out research (ie. Consultancies; research arms of philanthropies) or fund research organizations in Indonesia.
-          An analysis on the incentives, disincentives, and constraints for the philanthropies to invest research in Indonesia.
Based on the analysis, identify potential useful model operating in Indonesia to boost philanthropies investment on research in Indonesia, both in the long-term and short-term. This recommendation should be built upon good practices, taking into account what is ideal and what is feasible within the context of Indonesia.

2.          Produce an analytical report for the Knowledge Sector Initiative implementation team outlining the issues above, which includes recommendations for how KSI should engage Philanthropy Sector.

II.                  Specific Tasks
This assignment will require the following tasks:

(i)      The team of diagnostic study is to complete deliverables as agreed.

(ii)    The team will lead the analysis and synthesis of the data and information gathered in the study.

(iii)   Organizer in mapping of actors in the philanthropies  and their roles, including (but not limited to):
  • Who are the actors in the philanthropy that are actively procuring research, carrying out research or fund research organizations in Indonesia? What kind of institutions are they funding or procuring research from (universities, research NGOs, others)? Are these mostly international research organizations based in Indonesia or Indonesian institutions?
  • What are the research themes, issues, or organizations that are being funded by the philanthropy actors? Is there an interest in supporting research related to social development issues or policy making? Are there research organizations established and funded by the philanthropies?
  • Who are the actors carrying out research in the philanthropies? What are the nature and shape of these organisations (informal consultancies or large research arms of business etc)?
  • What are the purposes of funding? How are the research products being used?
  • What are the various mechanisms used by the philanthropies to procure research or engage with research organizations? Are there mechanisms used to bypass the regulatory constraints of procuring research from state universities?
  • How are these engagements valued by both the philanthropies actors and the research organizations involved?

(iv)  Conduct an analysis on the incentives, disincentives, and constraints for the philanthropies to invest in research in Indonesia, including (but not limited to) the following angles:
·         Economic, political, regulatory, and the quality of research.

(v)    Provide practical recommendations for the knowledge sector stakeholders to boost philanthropies investment in research, both in the short-term (what is feasible) and in the long-term (what is ideal), specifying priority areas for reform and strategies for action for relevant actors. The recommendations should be supplied with discussion on some of the costs and benefits of a liberalized private provider market given the experiences of other countries and Indonesia’s concerns on social equity.

(vi)  Provide recommendations for Knowledge Sector Initiative and its stakeholders on how to engage the philanthropies in the Knowledge Sector, with proposed interventions and approach.

III.                Timeline

Please submit your proposal by email to :  procurement@ksi-indonesia.org

Proposal submission deadline: 14 February 2016.
Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted for next procurement process.