
Request for Proposal: Consultant for OXFAM LABOUR Work Strategy Review - Indonesian


OXFAM who are we?

Oxfam is a leading aid, development and campaigning not-for-profit organisation with a world-wide reputation for excellence and over 60 years’ experience working in Indonesia. Our purpose is to work with others to overcome suffering and find lasting solutions to poverty.

Currently we are looking for OXFAM LABOUR Work Strategy Review

Oxfam has a long history of working to improve the condition of workers in Indonesia. Most of its work has focused on the sport shoes & sports wear sector where goods are produced for famous brands such as Adidas, Nike and Puma. Oxfam’s influence in this field results from its ability to raise public awareness internationally through its ties to solidarity groups.

These campaigns exert pressure on the brands to improve working conditions through their pressure on suppliers. This model of change has long informed Oxfam’s labour programme in Indonesia. Since 2009, Oxfam has been at the forefront of advances to this model by establishing a process of Freedom of Association (FoA) Protocol in which brands & suppliers negotiate directly with trade unions representing workers in the sportswear sector. This is a significant breakthrough as in the past brands were unwilling to acknowledge the unions, preferring to push their own unilaterally drawn-up codes of conduct. Along with social audits, these tend to focus on standards rather than rights, and hinder the growth and development of unions.

The networks, skills and experiences put Oxfam in a good position to develop similar programs to benefit workers in the plantations sector. However, designing effective programs requires consideration of the unique circumstances and challenges faced by plantation workers. Fact, an estimated 2-3 million of workers on Indonesian palm oil plantations face extremely poor labour conditions. They receive very low pay below minimum wage, are often employed on a casual, day hire base with no job or social security.

Casual workers have to work against high targets forcing them to make excessive hours, and to mobilize their families including women and children who often work without pay or recognition. Outsourcing practices are increasing and form a cover up for disrespect of human rights of workers. Women workers normally undertake most dangerous aspects of plantation work while spraying pesticides and chemical fertilizers without equipment or knowledge how to use it. Women are highly vulnerable for sexual harassment in the vast plantations and have mostly lower wages than men.

Few national unions have demonstrated a serious interest in and ability to support the welfare of palm oil workers. This may relate to a limited capacity compared to the time, effort and expense required to establish networks throughout this geographically vast sector. 

Many unions established within plantations are viewed “yellow” – that is aligned with management and unlikely to provide workers with education or advocacy support to advance their rights. There are also significant risks involved in organizing. Unionized workers or ordinary workers who make demands for their rights are often discriminated against, transferred to other estates or even dismissed.

But now, the Indonesian government faces several challenges on its pathway to promote labour rights issues. One is the creation of sustainable job opportunities for low-income families. The economy has expanded rapidly in capital-intensive sectors, whiles labour-intensive sectors have grown slowly. These sectoral imbalances will make Indonesia’s inequality problems worse, at least in the short to medium term.

Agriculture and manufacturing continue to absorb a large share of the labour force and, for that matter, most of Indonesia’s poor and unskilled workers.

The observed increase in wage inequality between skilled and unskilled labour in Indonesia since the mid 1980s has both social and economic implications. Though small as measured here, it reflects a more considerable separation of the tails of the wage distribution. Had the “Asian crisis” not occurred, this would have created social tensions, though obviously not on the scale observed in the late 1990s. Clearly, inequality is more tolerable when the economic pie is expanding than when it is contracting.

  • To review the process of advocating decent work (FOA, Wages & Job Security) protocol to discover the challenges, obstacles and opportunities to be more clear and measurable. Based on these review, then Oxfam can determine the new position and strategy. 
  • Oxfam in Indonesia still could provide advice, information and advocacy experience on labour rights issues to local, national & regional working on private sector, urban issues and inequality.
Duration: 10 days effective working from 1 – 29 February 2016

  • Advance understanding about labour’s general issues ( living wage, inequality) 
  • Research experience on labour issues 
  • Desk study are welcome to apply 
  • Have produced some article about labour issues and published is an advantage 
  • Good communication in English verbally and writing as the incumbent will provide support to compile data from various resource persons 
  • Able to submit report in English is a must
How to apply
If you believe you are the consultant we are looking for please submit your proposal, resume with example of previous article produced of similar issues, draft proposal consist of budget (including out of pocket expenses), process and schedule through email at

jakarta@oxfam.org.uk and mention “Consultant of OXFAM LABOUR Work Strategy Review” on the subject of your email.

Latest date for submission of the application will be on January 29th, 2016

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted

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Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering
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