
Conservation International Vacancy: Sustainable Landscapes Partnership Specialist - North Sumatra and West Papua

Conservation International Indonesia

Job Summary:
The primary responsibilities of this position will be to further develop and lead initiatives to improve, build on and support existing protected areas in SLP target districts in North Sumatra and West Papua.

The SLP Conservation Specialist is expected to ensure that the objectives of Healthy Sustainable Societies (HSS), Sustainable Landscapes Partnership (SLP), and Ridge-to-Reef (R2R) approach are both understood and considered in developing the appropriate strategic approach and framework. A close working relationship, drawing on lessons learnt and experience should be understood from the work that CI-Indonesia has and continues to implement in SLP and the Birds Head Seascape.

She/he will works closely with SLP team members and grantees to ensure that inter-connectivity between SLP activities in enhanced so as to promote overall sustainability of the SLP Community Conservation Agreements (CCA). Also, requires to collaborate with relevant government agencies, local Government (District and Province) and CI Indonesia and SLP main partners including community, local government, private sectors and other non-government organizations.

She/he will be responsible for developing a broad stakeholder understanding and support of the importance of conservation and protected area management in SLP target areas. The SLP Conservation Specialist will work closely with the SLP COP, Senior Terrestrial Policy Advisor and other SLP personnel so as to achieve successful ecologically connected and resilient conservation and protected areas in North Sumatra and West Papua.

  • A key emphasis will be on local stakeholder participation, ownership and overall sustainability (social, environmental and economic) in securing the conservation of key areas of natural capital in SLP target areas.
  • Identify local champions, key stakeholders and lead agencies that have a shared vision for successful conservation and protected areas.
  • Identify needs and opportunities for capacity building to support broader conservation area management, SLP-CCA goals and objectives as well as opportunities to support local organizations with small grants with Senior Manager
  • Together with relevant stakeholder help to drive the development of a specific strategic approach and annual work-plans and develop community outreach and community monitoring mechanisms to support a sustainable CCA near areas of critical natural capital.
  • The strategic approach and proposed annual work-plans are presented to government leaders and agencies as well as local stakeholders with a strong emphasis on having government’s adapt recommendations in policy and or planning regulations that might be required.
  • Oversee the preparation of an ongoing series of multi-stakeholder meetings and forums to ensure buy-in, participation, ownership and adoption of improved approaches to conservation and protected area management by local stakeholders.
  • Ensure that all conservation/protected area management project components are completed and reported upon in a satisfactory and timely manner as dictated by the SLP work-plan;
  • Tracking and facilitating the process of recruitment and contracting of the any scientists and/or consultants who will conduct data collecting, analysis and synthesis.
  • Coordinating the work of contractors and consultants that conducted by the individuals’ field staff of any cooperating institutions and make sure to communicate the completion of each project by the dates agreed in the contract and in the work-plan.
  • Provide technical assistance and facilitate the development of local capacity to manage the proposed SLP CCA and obtain agreement on a future management body of the SLP CCAs in target areas.
  • Facilitate the development of sustainable financing scenario for the proposed SLP CCA program, mainly facilitate the support from private sector partners to create a sustainable financing for the SLP CCAs and conservation and protected areas more broadly.
How to Apply
Minimum Required Qualifications:
  • S1 degree in forestry or natural resources management related sciences, with at least 5 years of experience on forestry and sustainable development in Indonesia
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • Strong technical command of fisheries benefits of CCAs
  • Strong ability to manage group process and dynamics
  • Ability to work with teams
  • Good command of English (speaking, reading and writing)
  • Ability to write reports
  • Knowledge/understanding of local cultural setting
  • Creative thinker
  • Able to do frequent travel With each step, we need more and more hands.
Apply your passion, skills, and talents to helping us protect the most important places around the world.

Please send your current resume and cover letter (no more than 4 pages) to: ciindonesia.hrd@gmail.com

Please fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format: SLP CPM - your name Closing date for the application is 15 Januari 2016 (Only short-listed candidates will be notified).