
Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik Job Vacancy: Ending Poverty, Inequalities & Climate Change - Indonesian

On behalf of the action/2015 Climate Summit Mobilization action/team, Save the Children-Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik is launching a call for proposals to support national and local level campaign and mobilization events across our coalition. The focus will be on the upcoming mobilizations around climate change that will take place during and ahead of the Paris Climate Summit (COP21). By coming together at this crucial point, our voice will be amplified, making it impossible for leaders to ignore our call for an ambitious agreement which will be determinant to tackle poverty, inequalities and climate change.

Call Purpose: To provide national and local-level financial support to organizations and networks participating in the action/2015 campaign mobilization efforts during and ahead of the Paris Climate Summit (COP21), with a special focus on the marches and other creative mobilizations around the world on 29 November 2015, to make the voices of communities affected by climate change heard. The public mobilization should be aligned with the global message and concept of the Global Day of Action for COP21. Grantees are encouraged to partner or align with other organizations and initiatives planning mobilizations around the COP, for example with groups taking part in the Coalition Climate 21.

We are seeking for Proposal action/2015: Ending poverty, inequalities and climate change

For more information please visit : HERE

To apply for this round of action/2015 campaign funds, please complete the following application form and submit it to tender.indonesia@savethechildren.org  by 15 November 2015, 24:00 local time